I've done a good bit up follow up on the 'mathematical miracle' stuff so here's just a short response for some of them.
Yawm does not occur 365 times. In total, the word is used 475 times. Forms are broken up into single, dual, and plural. The plural form is used 27 times, the duel 3 times and single 445 times. So debunked.
yawm iddnn (literally two words of 'day' 'that') is used 70 times as is 'day of resurrection'. However, the phrase that day is not exclusive to the day of resurrection (ex: 8:16) just like al-yawm (literally the/this day) isn't exclusive to 'the day of resurrection' and there's a bazillion different combos to try for each one such as 'the last day' 'the day of judgment' 'the day of recompense' etc.
The month thing is correct I think for the singular forms. I remember there's plural forms ex: 4 months (for 4 sacred months) ironically this isn't repeated 4 times but 3 times
I think there's also a duel form or two in there. There's a number of ways to formulate this so there you go.
The land vs. sea ratio thing is incorrect (it also seems to be one of the most popular claims i think). Land (bari) actually occurs 12 times and sea appears 41 times if you count singular, dual, and plural forms. Because that's too much I guess we're just going with singular which is 33 times not 32. So, debunked. I think there's additional ways of formulating this like other words for land (maybe al-ardi =earth?) and sea. I good one would have possibly been land + sea = earth but it doesn't work as earth is used far more than 53 times.
We've seen the same claims over and over again so I got tired of the oft repeated 15 or so supposed symmetries and went looking to see if I could find anymore. Unsurprisingly I found alot of dis-symmetry. Things like al-janat (paradise) vs. hell, mankind vs. jinn, life vs. death etc. turned out to be bunkis. (if you're interested the results were 51 vs. 77 / number of words and ways to count man vs. 32 (none worked FWI + same for life vs. death)) I also did the same with looking for things like # noun repeated # of times and found thinks like 4 months (for sacred months) repeated 3 times and made the heavens and the earth in '6 days' repeated 7 times etc. It was somewhat of a turnoff to say the least
Just looking further on the list you provided I see alot of contradictory methods to counting (some of which don't make sense at all). For example the satans vs. angels works only if you count all forms of the word (single, plural, dual, definiteness with al- and pronouns, etc.) whereas things like 'plant vs. tree' doesn't even make sense for example they count tree 26 which kind of makes sense (using two different words, both nouns) and leave out a verb
http://corpus.quran.com/qurandictionary.jsp?q=$jr#%2848:18:9%29 but then with plant they include all root words even verbs and a verb that doesn't specifically relate to 'plant'.
http://corpus.quran.com/qurandictionary.jsp?q=nbt#%2857:20:18%29 It doesn't make any sense, it's contradictory, and it's inconsistent with other ways they count other word 'symmetries'.
In summation, there's nothing to really refute. Most of the mathematical miracles don't work the way they are presented. And if there does happen to be an honest formulation, the way words can be counted up leaves many possible ways to formulate it diminishing it's 'miraculousness'. It's also important that from my time studying this thing I found far far more misses than even halfassed hits.
I could go into more detail on more supposed symmetries but I think this is good for the meantime.