Hu! what?? asbie .....asbie why do you say this??
This is one of the few times I've found your thoughts and reflections as being out of touch, as opposed to enlightening, and I've read your posts for a while.
that asbie says to this
ibn Bilal Global post Let me forget this
Yasir Qadhi for a sec., Errrr i don't even care about fools that run in circles with some faith mambo-jumbo.. but I do care a bit what ibn Bilal says .. So let me read that post carefully to figure out why his words in that post are "OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY"
ibn Bilal Nuggets:Well, Yasir certainly went much further along in his religious studies than I did, so I think it would be fair if he did not consider me his “fellow.”
who cares who goes where with faiths....... I don't care as long as faith heads do not step on my head
More importantly, though, I’m not particularly interested in going out of my way to sow doubt in people who chose to remain religious. There are literally hundreds of millions of different perspectives one can have on the role of religion in the world and it would be next to impossible to spend my time refuting each of them.
Well why do you oppose that dear asbie? explain me a bit please. That is fine with me and I think that should be fine with you asbie but the question is.
does Yasir kiddie follow the same rule as that of ibn Bilal set for himself ?It is not as binary as the dichotomy between literal fundamentalism and militant atheism.
I am lost understanding those words ..
literal fundamentalism in faiths or in atheism?? do we have any literal fundamentalist manual for atheists??
and what is militant atheism?? examples please ... Should we consider so-called communists as militant atheists??
What I would be somewhat interested in doing with Yaasir, however, is exploring the links that exist between the world’s different religions and philosophies.
well that is nothing but origins and history of faiths/religions how each faith/faith heads influence/interact with other faiths/faith heads .. but we must realize here that is only possible if everyone agrees including Yasir Qadhi types
"that these faith books (( I call them ritual manuals)) are NOT THE WORDS OF SOME SUPER DUPER SUPREME SPECIES so called .....god/allah/voodoo doll whatever .... but they are from humans/sounds of humans and have human origins " I’ve said this before – and I still think there is a lot of usefulness in exploring the topic of religion this way – religion and spirituality are uniquely human ways of experiencing the world[/i].
True I agree with that .. I know what religion/faith means as it is well defined with set of rules from different faiths/faith books and by faith heads but I do not know the meaning of spirituality., I am still searching for it, it is certainly not within the distance of the travel that made by
these space crafts . Well maybe it is somewhere in our galaxy
Ha! some link gives this picture
and says all those dots are galaxies as big as milky way., May be these spirits ..spiritual controls are in the hand of someone that is living in one of those galaxy ..
Much in the same way that the color red only truly exists in the mind of the perceiver, through the use of things like abstract symbolism, language, and ritual, religions create a realm that is, as far as we know, only experienced by human beings through our own psyche.
No...No... noooo we know very well how we see red color its wavelength its energy and how eye detects and sends electrical pulses to brain..etc...etc.. IT IS NOT MIND., it is brain at its best
Some might call it the imagination. I hesitate to use that word because of its silly and childish connotations, but I don’t intend it to be purely a negative thing.
well imagination of a concept is nothing but a proposal of an hypothesis.. And hypotheses are explorable and people should have freedom to explore. Unfortunately these faiths/spirits/spiritual/psyche/psychos/faith heads do not explore/test these so-called hypothesis of religions but they enforce them on societies..... often for collecting loot and booty for their needs in life .. they use faiths and faith rules from faith books
On the contrary, I think that there were (and potentially still are) benefits to having this collective abstract space that groups can retreat to when needed, and this is a core function that I think religions provide. Through this shared abstract space, people are able to communicate values and ideals, share stories and morals, galvanize energy towards common goals, and escape from the stress of overwhelming realities through trance-like states of prayer and devotion.
Well that is possible only when faith heads
(leaders who preach faiths) of different faiths agree that ALL FAITHS HAVE HUMAN ORIGINS AND THERE IS NO DIVINE ORIFICE that spelled the rules of a faith through these faith heads
There are also links in my mind between things like music and Qur’anic recitation; thikr and mantras; prayer and meditation; even religious rules and regulations and “common sense” best practices for life.
off course everyone enjoys music Arabic or otherwise language is irrelevant .. language music songs sonnets are nothing to do with music Good music good sounds.. good songs I enjoy and I am sure even even militant atheists also enjoy., who are those rascals
dear ibn Bilal
A huge problem with modern Sunni Islam, in my opinion, is not that it has these features, but that it has fossilized itself in its 10th century form while actively resisting inevitable change.
well Sunni Islam is Islam .,removes sunnis from Islam you will end up with Arabic songs and sonnets
I’d like to be able to point out to a “believer” that while their abstract space may indeed be very real to them, other people and cultures have different perceptions based on their own traditions and experiences of the world.
asbie...dear asbie talk to me ., why do you disagree with the above statement of ibn bilal?? don't we need such dialogues ??
The more removed your religion becomes from what is actually happening on the ground however, the less useful and more dangerous it becomes. That is what I see happening with Sunni Islam today. The package deal that thrived in the Middle East in the Middle Ages will simply never work again. That should be painfully obvious.
well I need to understand those words I guess what ibn bilal saying is,
"STAY AWAY FROM LITERAL INTERPRETATION OF YOUR FAITH BOOKS but use those sayings for songs, sonnets and singing "Rather than seeing Yaasir completely abandon Islam, I’d be much more interested in hearing him admit that while there are some useful bits that can serve as a contributions to the modern world, there is a heck of a lot more that simply needs to be discarded.
Well asbie I agree with what ibn bilal said there and
you must agree with what I agree otherwise..otherwise.....
..HELL FIRE ...HELL FIRE.. jahannam. or that Jewish Gehennom
asbie : I also believe that the out ex-Muslim community ends up being relatively large in comparison to openly hetorodox or Quranist interpreters of the faith as a direct consequence of this.
I am waiting for that.. it is year18 since I started questioning faiths and faith heads . ,
will that happen within my lifetime?? well i don't know ..allah knows the best
otherwise, after my life I don't care dear asbie..
with best wishes