Ex-Muslims: INDIA
OP - July 15, 2013, 08:45 AM
Ex-Muslims: INDIA is an online platform for Atheist/Agnostics/Humanist/Rationalist Born in India with Islamic upbringing or Converted earlier to Islam without complete information.
The objective are to:-
• Share this link, Invite Ex-muslims to strengthen the network
• Reach out Members in regions, set up interactive meets and strengthen Network
• Uncover censored facts of Islam and promote Secular Humanism in INDIA
You are free to comment/post/discuss/debate. Members may engage in, but not necessary expect the group to be a place to exercise intellectualism / to strike an intelligent conversation / speak for simulations or such self indulgence as it is not necessary the criteria. Its an individual member's choice. The group is created with an objective to identify Ex-Muslims in your region, come together and set up interactive meets.
Ex-Muslims Forums & Groups like Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB), Former Muslims United, Ex-Muslims of French council, Apostates of Islam, Atheists who were Muslims, Ex-Muslim Meetup Groups, etc have their presence worldwide. Ex-Muslims collectively, can uncover censor facts of what is inherently immoral in Islam.