The prayer ritual, of standing up, bending, crouching on all fours, turning left then right, is very different from other forms of prayer practised by Christian, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus etc.
I was wondering where it derived from, it is too unique to think Muhammed invented it on his own. Does anyone know?
I realise the names and timings of prayer are all derived from the Sabean faith, and was wondering if the actual ritual came from them too. It would be quite a powerful argument to use against Muslims if they were to realise that their method of worhip (which they maintain as a perfect exercise brought upon by Allah) actually came from the very idol worhippers whom they scoff at!
Even if we are able to come up with such an argument, muslim will as usual say "Islam has always existed in different forms, but we accept only what Mo did, because he was the last prophet".