Hi there, new member but long time lurker. I'm from the UK and I'm an atheist, former Christian but extremely interested in Islam. My username comes from the British rapper Lowkey, who is the primary reason I became interested in middle eastern politics and the religion of the region. I will also admit that the Qur'an's description of jahannam was terrifying enough to warrant some investigation into the truth of its claims. The reason I really love this forum is because it is by far the best place on the interwebs for intelligent, informed critical discussion of Islam. Atheist forums are a dime a dozen but they focus entirely on criticising Christianity and blowing smoke up Buddhism's arse, seems like most atheists knowledge of Islam is limited to terrorism, burkhas fasting and 'didn't Muhammad shag a kiddie?'
Anyway, that's me. Hi.
Edit: This is lowkey, for anyone who likes socially conscious and rather complex hip hop.