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  • Question: Are you fasting for even a little bit this Ramadhan?  (Voting closed: July 27, 2014, 11:39 AM)
  • Yes, fully - 4 (10.3%)
  • Yes, (In hiding) only in front of my family, friends so they dont know. - 18 (46.2%)
  • Yes, As a detox healthy keep fit - 2 (5.1%)
  • Yes, In support of my ex Bros and Sis' in Islam - 1 (2.6%)
  • Yes - For spritiual not religious reasons - 1 (2.6%)
  • No - Im going to be on my period full 30 days(ladies only) - 0 (0%)
  • No way - I'm an ex - 13 (33.3%)
  • Whats Ramadhan? - 0 (0%)
  • Not decided yet - 0 (0%)
  • Total Voters: 33

 Topic: Who's fasting at all this Ramdhan?

 (Read 5490 times)
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  • Who's fasting at all this Ramdhan?
     Reply #60 - July 05, 2014, 10:50 PM

    Stay strong Ferris, just a little under 3 weeks to go.
     far away hug

    Haha thank you! Smiley

    And how about a little intro? Wink

    Ok, if I explained the whole story about myself and how I ended up here it would take an incredibly long time so I'll try to keep it brief and basic :p

    I'm 19 from an Iraqi family, my parents grew up in an extremely conservative Shia village and moved to the UK in the 80s. Due to their stringent religious upbringing they drilled Quran and prayers into my siblings and I from childhood, often using violence to instil fear into us so we wouldn't break any rules. I was a pretty devout muslim until just before I turned 18 (I'm almost 20 now). I've always had a rocky relationship with my parents, especially my mother-she's the strictest most religious person I've ever known. She's the type who will stand outside the bathroom when I go, and listen at the door in order to try hear if I do wudhu or not. I realised that all of the prayers, and fasting I did was to satisfy my parents rather than to satisfy myself or "god".
    Argh this is still long so I'll cut to the chase!
    Now I'm fully agnostic but I pretend to be muslim when I'm at home- if my parents found out I'd probably be banished for life/locked up forever/killed :p

    So yeah, that's me in a nutshell! Nice to meet you!
  • Who's fasting at all this Ramdhan?
     Reply #61 - July 05, 2014, 11:36 PM


    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Who's fasting at all this Ramdhan?
     Reply #62 - July 05, 2014, 11:44 PM

    I am, but only because I still live at home and respect my parents views. I'm sire it will all change when I move out and realise that almost 20hours of fasting is extremely unhealthy.

    I say this because the western world doesn't change during Ramadan. The Muslims have to adapt, not like the middle east that adapts to the holy month of Ramadan.
  • Who's fasting at all this Ramdhan?
     Reply #63 - July 06, 2014, 12:06 AM

    I managed to not openly not fast this first week but after today, I have to pretend I'm fasting for the sake of my family lipsrsealed . Smuggling food up to my room will be a chore

    "A great fire burns within me, but no one stops to warm themselves at it, and passers-by only see a wisp of smoke."
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