It sounds like you're kind of approaching the path, if you're not there already, where you're only really going to put total faith in the Quran over the rulings/culture of Islam as it is practiced today, or even the hadith/tafsiirs.
Most people in this forum, as far as I can tell, are ex-Sunnis, but I am one of the forum's frustrating ex-Quranists.

I definitely had a huge issue with all of the problems you are describing, and I avoided them for a really long time by taking a Quran-alone approach. I am sad to say that, for me, it didn't really solve anything, but it kept me sufficiently distanced from the downsides of the theology for a long time...But I can definitely relate to your frustration and your search for answers and trying to find some safe ground. I know how you feel.
The first time I really found myself thinking "
What am I doing, supporting this thing," was when I was reading some awful fatwas on sites like Islam QA, and realizing that, no matter how much of Islam I trimmed out, there was always some logical support of these terrible rulings...or, at the very least, no protection against them. The fatwa sites were just the most frustrating things in the world to read.