Hi everybody, I thought I'd introduce myself here

I'm Nergal, after the Mesopotamian god of the underworld.
I am an ethnic Assyrian, I was a former Christian now Science oriented Deist.
I signed up here because I wanted to congratulate those that have left Islam.
Islam has destroyed my people, the Assyrians, as we were once a civilization with science and culture.
When Islam came, Assyrians weren't that affected much by the Jizya tax and the Pact of 'Umar.
The Assyrian population started dwindling after massacres by Muslim mobs starting increasing in frequency.
The zenith of these massacres came at the hands of the Muslim Tamurlane when he killed millions of Assyrians in his conquests as well as Hindus. The Assyrian population before Tamurlane was 15-20 million, after was perhaps 3-7 million.
Massacres still continued through on with the Massacres by the Kurd Badr Khan and AbdulMecid II.
This also reached a zenith known as the Assyrian genocide and the Armenian genocide.
All these massacres happened because Assyrians were not Muslims.
As a result of not being Muslim, the Assyrian homeland (Northern Iraq) is now under the control of the Kurds, an iranian people who have no history in Northern Iraq.
The only thing I can do about this is to blame the religion that condones behaviors of barbarity and savagery.
Sorry for the macabre intro, it's just an intro as to how I feel.