Anyhow.. back to the reason I am on this forum. I am quite concerned about fundamental Islam and its rise and how so much of the globe's population is forced to support it. I was hoping I could get some answers on this forum on how to get these populations to stop supporting the parts of their religion that allow these things.
However, I have already found my answer.. from reading posts here. If a majority of Muslim countries no longer persecuted their citizens for changing or abandoning religion that political Islam would dissapear within a matter of generation. How to get these countries to honor the Universal Declaration of Human Rights however and allow true freedom of religion is another matter altogether.
First and foremost, welcome aboard.
Secondly, I do agree, apostasy has more than one issue; regardless of what actually happens when people die, Islam gives that hope of another eternal life; ironically it is one where people supposedly do what they couldn't in the lifetime. The mortality of one's life(what if I become an atheist and get hit by a bus 2 minutes later?), along with the paradox Mohamed has set forth about how the more people stray from Islam and the more people become apostates(even though you shouldn't be able to leave Islam but YoloLogic) the closer Judgement day is, and ironically enough, it is supposed to be when Muslims will finally cleanse the world and the trees will speak "LOOK O NOBLE AND PURE MUSLIM! THERE IS A JEW BEHIND ME! KILL HIM!"; that added to the apostasy punishment seems to have made it quite a pinch to leave Islam, and all that do it are either secretive about it, or just disappear, resulting in apostasy numbers seeming significantly less than they actually are.
Lastly, regarding fundamentalist Islam, I think it will take itself down along with all of Islam. As for its assassin, that will be science. I do agree with the people who believe Muslims have to be fundamentalists, as that what Islam calls for, if you completely ignore what is said in the Qur'an, then why are you even Muslim? I think the attempted westernization of Islam is what's forcing it onto the current world, if you argue with anyone about something they would tell you to go read the Qur'an; if they do, tell them they should first. Muslims nowadays don't even understand what's said in the Qur'an, but are instead fully convinced that Islam is a peaceful religious that's fair to all; even though all you hear people recite in the Qur'an is about how people will burn in hell.
TL;DR People are afraid; they fear the chance of mortality and miss their loved ones, and are thus willing to spend all their lives trying to obtain an immortality which they can never have. People are confused; the Qur'an had damned itself in so many ways, but then some idiotic fanatics decided to base the whole language off of it, so now whenever something is proven wrong, it isn't that the Qur'an was wrong, it's that we misunderstood it.