Umm.... Hey
OP - July 15, 2014, 10:15 PM
I've never posted on a forum before so this is really quite awkward for me but here goes :/
I'm a 17 year old guy from Birmingham and I don't really have any deep intellectual reasons for leaving Islam like most of you guys do but to be honest I was just sick of it, whenever my parents talked Islam I'd just laugh at how silly most of it sounds, or I'd always point out how illogical certain things are and I always hated praying and fasting, the only thing that I probably enjoyed was eid.
However the biggest reason is that I just hated that it wanted to control your entire life, from the things you ate to what foot you have to enter the bathroom with (what the hecks up with that).
What made me formally leave Islam though was this forum, the ex Muslim reddit page and other random sites where people spoke about their reasons for leaving and what they think is wrong with Islam, thanks to you guys i was able to free myself.
PS I'm still in the closet and I don't think I'll ever be able to tell my family about my apostasy but oh well what can you do. Sorry for how long this is but I'm not very good at explaining myself or getting to the point so a lot of this is just me rambling. Sorry:)