Atheist Muslim
Ali A. Rizvi has upped the game against an ever more dishonest and manipulative
Kashif N Choudary and
Qasim Rashid and their Ahmadi victimhood.
In the article
The Logic of the 'Moderate' Mindset he writes (excerpt. Links in the article):
The writer, Qasim Rashid, is the spokesperson for the Ahmadiyya Muslim community in the United States -- a moderate, temperate sect of Islam that commendably denounces jihadist violence and is renowned for its admirable philanthropic contributions around the world. Sadly, the Ahmadiyya Muslims are badly persecuted in countries like Pakistan, where they are considered apostates from mainstream Islam.
The Ahmadiyya community rightly calls out mainstream Muslims for not considering them Muslims. The Pakistani government does not even issue identity cards or passports to Muslim citizens unless they declare on the application that the Ahmadiyya are non-Muslims. This is a long-standing, legitimate grievance that the Pakistani Ahmadiyya have -- in a country known for its horrific blasphemy laws, you can imagine the kind of persecution this subjects Ahmadiyya Muslims to.
While researching a chapter on religious moderation in my upcoming book, I approached Mr. Rashid, an articulate, learned scholar and lawyer, to ask about Ahmadiyya Islam. It was regarding a quote from the founder and first khalifah of Ahmadiyya Islam, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who once said,
God has revealed to me that every single person who has heard my claim of prophethood and has not accepted me, that person is not a Muslim, and in front of God, is subject to prosecution.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is considered infallible by Ahmadiyya Muslims. The quote (in Urdu) appears at the bottom of page 519 in the khalifah's book Tadhkirah, found here on the official website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community. I wanted to ask Mr. Rashid about this because it seemed to show that this was actually a two-way sectarian conflict -- that the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslims also declared all non-Ahmadiyya non-Muslims.
When I asked Mr. Rashid for clarification, he acknowledged the authenticity of the quote, and responded with the following:
See! It is not Ahmadis who say non-Ahmadis aren't Muslims. It is ALLAH!!! Ahmadis have no say in this matter!
Also it is from the above clear that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) *IS* a prophet which I have seen Ahmadis try to obfuscate on numerous occasions.
I have in more than half a year seen Kashif N Choudary whine on Facebook about how people do not consider Ahmadis "real Muslims" using every opportunity to play victim so this is both funny and infuriating because of the level of intellectual dishonesty and manipulation.
Kashif also says there are 160-180 million Ahmadis in the world. It seems more likely to be 15-20 million.