Laïcité, a secular Israel
Reply #2 - January 13, 2015, 05:02 PM
Don't let Netenyahu seize the agenda.
A SECULAR ISRAEL: Israel and Palestine would work towards a "one-state" solution by slow confidence-building measures. A two-state proposal would tend towards the recurrent conflicts of Pakistan- India. The secular state would guarantee security for any community asking for it (atheists, Jews, Arab Muslims, Armenian Christians …) but maintain a strict separation between religion and state (cf the French constitution). Government would forbid religious symbols in parliament and court, classify Jerusalem sites as museum areas (cf Ataturk & Hagia Sofia), allow multiple holy days. "The land given by God to the Jews" would be redefined or disallowed as a policy objective.
The achievement of trustworthy police force is essential to peace-building. See the police force of Northern Ireland. Internal security would be enforced by police with parallel institutions at first. Officers would have baccalaureate (i.e. A-level) qualifications in police procedures, good command of Hebrew, Arabic and English and proficiency in "history of ideas" (see Grayling): this would include Greek philosophy, the three monotheisms, plus some science-based ethics, e.g. evolutionary theory and cosmology. Other ranks of police would show lower proficiency. Training within a specific religion would be allowed only out of school and within a religious establishment. Salaries and scrutiny would reduce the possibilities of bribery. Promotion would be demonstrated record of non-partisan application of law. The Israel-Palestine parallel police forces would show these proficiencies and have equal opportunities recruitment.