Ex Muslim From Pakistan
OP - July 05, 2015, 11:35 PM
Hello everyone. I am an atheist living in Pakistan. Bad combo, I know. But oh well...
My story is very weird. I used to be a believer, did everything that Islam said, wouldnt hear a word against my religion and all that stuff. But then I began to lose faith. I dont know the exact moment or why it happened but I was pretty sure that I am doing something wrong. I didnt become an atheist, I became a Satanist LOL I still dont know why I did that. I was 16 back then, rebellous teenager I guess? This continued for the next two years and then again unsatisfied and feeling stupid, I became a Shi'ite muslim. That was even stupider and didnt continue for more than 6 months. I still called myself a Muslim but inside I didnt believe. Then science happened, and it was like I have fallen in love. I didnt even know about atheism back then, all I knew was that if science says A and Islam said B, I would choose science over Islam. Two years ago, I told my mom about me being an atheist, almost everyone in my family and relatives know that now. I have been very open with it, all my friends know it too and thats why the isolation. Mom was accepting, she didnt force me to pray or anything, she listens when I tell her how different science and Quran is. She just doesnt allow me to insult her religion directly which i think is fair. So thats all. I have friends, but none that I can call my best friend, none that I can share my thoughts or interests with, they think I am below them because I am a Kafir. I think I am above them because I am intelligent. So I am usually angry at everyone for being stupid and not even listening or considering what I say. And after I emailed to Maryam.N for help, they suggested me this forum and I think it would be good for me if I got to talk to like minded people. So here I am. Anyone from Pakistan though?