I left this comment to the author of the article on the Guardian website about Maryam Namazie:
Dear David Shariatmadari.
I'm sorry but your article is disingenuous. You misrepresent what Maryam Namzie is saying. She is not saying it is impossible to reform Islam. She is saying that reform is impossible until the Islamists are defeated and she is absolutely right. She says that as long as a far right regressive movement that has state power in many places or holds influence in some non-Muslim countries it will continue to stifle liberals, moderates and feminist Muslims through it's inquisition tactics. That's why reform is impossible as long as we don't confront and defeat the Islamists (not ordinary Muslims.) I know she is right because I am a Muslim who is desperately trying to reform my religion. However I constantly come up against the threats, intimidation and suppression from the Islamists. Maryam Namzie is not a hater nor a bigot nor an "Islamophobe" - she targets the Islamists - not ordinary Muslims!! People like those at Warwick University who wanted Maryam banned are the ones hurting Islamic reform. Not Maryam Namzie. They hurt Islamic reform because instead of protecting us and our voices from the Islamists - they allow the islamists to get away with banning any critical voices and keep Muslims in line and fearful of speaking out. I know Maryam personally and joined her on many of her protests and campaigns in support of Muslim reformists and Muslim Liberals and Muslim feminists and I know that far from being against ordinary Muslims or reformists Muslims, she is actually one of the very few brave voices who speaks up for us.