Thanks nice to see, FareShare sounds like a great cause and I'll be looking into it
For me, I support Shelter, I think it's tragic the amount of people who are homeless in UK, the lack of support that is available from the government just adds to the neglect. Shelter is a great resource, they a phone call away and are always very helpful. Being privileged enough myself to have a secure place to live is important and a basic need which I think everyone should have.
As well as that, any charity that helps children, like Save the children, or NSPCC they're important to me.
Aside from that, if I come across something that's current like the refugee crisis I try to help there.
I don't know if that helps, but it gives you something
Oh man, just researching Shelter and the stories are absolutely heart-wrenching. I've recently started volunteering at a reading group at a local school where we go and read with 8-9 year olds that come from disadvantaged backgrounds and don't have anyone at home to read with. I've only been to a couple of sessions yet and already I can tell how much of a difference it makes for the kids in their confidence, happiness and personalities. And this is something as simple as reading - I know what it feels like to think you don't have a home, but I can not even begin to imagine what it must feel like for children to know that they don't even have a steady place to live..
Because it's never in sight, I had not even considered it. Thank you for mentioning it.
I'll be looking into all the other causes you guys have mentioned as well. Thanks! I hope more suggestions keep on coming in - it would be great to raise more awareness of various issues outside the more obvious ones.
Stay awesome everyone