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 Topic: It's not the immigrants fault, it's western society!

 (Read 6975 times)
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  • It's not the immigrants fault, it's western society!
     OP - September 04, 2016, 07:19 PM

    The racist comments of Jack Straw alleging that some Pakistani men preying on white girls, because they are ‘easy meat’ has been swiftly condemned by his fellow Labour MP, Keith Vaz, who pointed out the inherent problem of stereotyping an entire community based on the actions of a few. The stats show that overwhelming number of rapists comes from the indigenous white population. On a more specific issue of gang rape there is a disproportionate representation from the Afro-Caribbean community1, does this mean it is a racial problem; nobody would dare say anything here and risk a riot. One can extend that logic to ask, why there is a disproportionate number of Jews involved in the porn industry, but for sure, it has nothing to do with the Torah. What about the serial killers who are predominantly from the white population, does this mean the entire white community have a case to answer. In fact, Mr Straw’s brother has been convicted for indecently assaulting a girl, in addition, his son has been convicted for supplying drugs2, applying his argument there is a inherent problem within his family.

    One must also ask what Jack Straw was implying about the white girls; why are they available in the first place as easy meat? Why are those girls roaming the streets leaving themselves exposed to being exploited by any rapists? It would be helpful for Jack Straw to focus on the supply of ‘easy meat’ and not just the demand for it. The rapists are not selective about race. Those Pakistani men would not pass the opportunity, if their victims were Asians or of any other race. The Judge correctly concluded that the race of the perpetrators and the victims is entirely coincidental.

    Therefore, the issue of rape is not about race or culture, but the values of the perpetrators. What went wrong here? Were those Pakistani men not fully integrated into the British society? From their appearance and actions, it is far more likely they are consuming alcohol in the pubs and frequenting the nightclubs in the weekend, rather than the Mosques (Masjid) listening to some bearded ‘fundamentalist’. Just ignore the racial element; they are like the typical BNP/EDL activists or the football hooligan. Had those Pakistani men been practising Muslims, such an act would have been highly unlikely. Maybe it is the wider community that needs to consider integrating with the Muslims and adopt our values. In such times of austerity, it would save millions, as the Muslims are not the ones found drunk on the streets every weekend placing a heavy toll on the Police and the NHS.

    Now is a good time to reflect and consider the Islamic viewpoint on rape, which would argue that if you really cared about those women, you would punish the perpetrators adequately. Under Sharia Laws, rape is an act of war against society; those men would have been executed in public. For sure, rape would decline considerably if the society were made aware of the serious consequences; naturally, rape is rare in any Islamic society that is governed by the Sharia Laws and Islamic values. Dispensing such harsh punishment is a reflection of how Islam views the seriousness of the crime of violating a woman’s honour; such an act constitutes declaration of war on society. In contrast, the liberal punishments dispensed by free societies are a reflection of how little emphasis it puts on the honour of a woman. After all what’s the big deal about losing one’s virginity, since being a virgin has become an abnormal state in most liberal societies. Therefore, Sharia Laws are not barbaric; it actually protects the women by imposing harsh punishment on the perpetrator, whereas the liberal laws of a free society implicitly encourages rape, such laws are barbaric from the point of view of the victims.

    Apart from the lenient laws, rape is also encouraged through the liberal values imposed in society; men and women are let loose under the culture of sexual freedom, naturally, the bull will seek to spread his seed as much as he can using his physical prowess. A healthy strong male would not pass the opportunity to implant his seed even by force, hence, numerous surveys have revealed that many men have spiked up the drinks to commit date rape. No matter how much the Muslims are lectured about women’s rights, issues of rape and other forms of exploitation exposes the hypocrisy of the West banging on about women’s rights, that there is little regard for women in terms of protecting her honour in a free society. The American soldiers did not invoke women’s rights bible when they continued to rape women and children in Abu Ghraib without remorse. This is expected from the US forces, as rape is rife within3, it reported in 2003 that one third of the women have been raped4. These soldiers are in turn reflecting the larger society where rape is common, where 1 in 6 women has experienced an attempted or completed rape5. One has to bear in mind that this only reflects from what has been reported to the authorities, the real figure is likely to be higher.]The racist comments of Jack Straw alleging that some Pakistani men preying on white girls, because they are ‘easy meat’ has been swiftly condemned by his fellow Labour MP, Keith Vaz, who pointed out the inherent problem of stereotyping an entire community based on the actions of a few. The stats show that overwhelming number of rapists comes from the indigenous white population. On a more specific issue of gang rape there is a disproportionate representation from the Afro-Caribbean community1, does this mean it is a racial problem; nobody would dare say anything here and risk a riot. One can extend that logic to ask, why there is a disproportionate number of Jews involved in the porn industry, but for sure, it has nothing to do with the Torah. What about the serial killers who are predominantly from the white population, does this mean the entire white community have a case to answer. In fact, Mr Straw’s brother has been convicted for indecently assaulting a girl, in addition, his son has been convicted for supplying drugs2, applying his argument there is a inherent problem within his family.

    One must also ask what Jack Straw was implying about the white girls; why are they available in the first place as easy meat? Why are those girls roaming the streets leaving themselves exposed to being exploited by any rapists? It would be helpful for Jack Straw to focus on the supply of ‘easy meat’ and not just the demand for it. The rapists are not selective about race. Those Pakistani men would not pass the opportunity, if their victims were Asians or of any other race. The Judge correctly concluded that the race of the perpetrators and the victims is entirely coincidental.

    Therefore, the issue of rape is not about race or culture, but the values of the perpetrators. What went wrong here? Were those Pakistani men not fully integrated into the British society? From their appearance and actions, it is far more likely they are consuming alcohol in the pubs and frequenting the nightclubs in the weekend, rather than the Mosques (Masjid) listening to some bearded ‘fundamentalist’. Just ignore the racial element; they are like the typical BNP/EDL activists or the football hooligan. Had those Pakistani men been practising Muslims, such an act would have been highly unlikely. Maybe it is the wider community that needs to consider integrating with the Muslims and adopt our values. In such times of austerity, it would save millions, as the Muslims are not the ones found drunk on the streets every weekend placing a heavy toll on the Police and the NHS.

    Now is a good time to reflect and consider the Islamic viewpoint on rape, which would argue that if you really cared about those women, you would punish the perpetrators adequately. Under Sharia Laws, rape is an act of war against society; those men would have been executed in public. For sure, rape would decline considerably if the society were made aware of the serious consequences; naturally, rape is rare in any Islamic society that is governed by the Sharia Laws and Islamic values. Dispensing such harsh punishment is a reflection of how Islam views the seriousness of the crime of violating a woman’s honour; such an act constitutes declaration of war on society. In contrast, the liberal punishments dispensed by free societies are a reflection of how little emphasis it puts on the honour of a woman. After all what’s the big deal about losing one’s virginity, since being a virgin has become an abnormal state in most liberal societies. Therefore, Sharia Laws are not barbaric; it actually protects the women by imposing harsh punishment on the perpetrator, whereas the liberal laws of a free society implicitly encourages rape, such laws are barbaric from the point of view of the victims.

    Apart from the lenient laws, rape is also encouraged through the liberal values imposed in society; men and women are let loose under the culture of sexual freedom, naturally, the bull will seek to spread his seed as much as he can using his physical prowess. A healthy strong male would not pass the opportunity to implant his seed even by force, hence, numerous surveys have revealed that many men have spiked up the drinks to commit date rape. No matter how much the Muslims are lectured about women’s rights, issues of rape and other forms of exploitation exposes the hypocrisy of the West banging on about women’s rights, that there is little regard for women in terms of protecting her honour in a free society. The American soldiers did not invoke women’s rights bible when they continued to rape women and children in Abu Ghraib without remorse. This is expected from the US forces, as rape is rife within3, it reported in 2003 that one third of the women have been raped4. These soldiers are in turn reflecting the larger society where rape is common, where 1 in 6 women has experienced an attempted or completed rape5. One has to bear in mind that this only reflects from what has been reported to the authorities, the real figure is likely to be higher.

    This entire article is ridiculous.
  • It's not the immigrants fault, it's western society!
     Reply #1 - September 04, 2016, 07:34 PM

    York Morgan.   A suggestion --I think you need to put the article into a quote balloon... otherwise it looks like those are your opinions, which from the last sentence, apparently it is not ?   Smiley

    like this :
    This entire article is ridiculous.

  • It's not the immigrants fault, it's western society!
     Reply #2 - September 04, 2016, 07:58 PM

    I don't know how to put it into a quote balloon.  Would you care to tell me how puzzlelover? Smiley
  • It's not the immigrants fault, it's western society!
     Reply #3 - September 04, 2016, 07:59 PM


    Replace the rounded parentheses with square ones. Enter your text where the elipses are.

    You can also do fancy things like,


    in order to indicate the source of the text.

    Or you can do Full edit -> formatting -> quote option, but that's boring.

    My mind runs, I can never catch it even if I get a head start.
  • It's not the immigrants fault, it's western society!
     Reply #4 - September 04, 2016, 08:08 PM

    select the quick or full edit box at the bottom right of your post.

    This will take you into Edit mode.

    Type "["quote"]" (without the "" at the beginning of the article) and

    type "["/quote"]" (without the "" at the end of the article.)  

    leave your own comment out of this.  

    hit save.  This should work.

  • It's not the immigrants fault, it's western society!
     Reply #5 - September 04, 2016, 08:08 PM

    This article is bullshit.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • It's not the immigrants fault, it's western society!
     Reply #6 - September 04, 2016, 08:15 PM

    York, to do this while posting,  you will see the quote balloon -- it is second last in the line of square boxes, with B,I etc .... just above the emoji  Smiley Wink Cheesy choices.

    You can click that box,  the (quote)(/quote) code appears and you insert your text in between.

  • It's not the immigrants fault, it's western society!
     Reply #7 - September 04, 2016, 08:21 PM

    Haha.  Thanks I'll do that straight away.   Cheesy
  • It's not the immigrants fault, it's western society!
     Reply #8 - September 04, 2016, 08:28 PM

    This article is bullshit.

    It's just victim blaming,  and lack of accepting responsibility for ones own actions.  Kind of the mentality of a fucking rapist.
  • It's not the immigrants fault, it's western society!
     Reply #9 - September 05, 2016, 03:29 AM


    Send this article to feminist media and let them have at it. There are many feminist websites now, we need to raise awareness about the ridiculousness of these crazy people.
  • It's not the immigrants fault, it's western society!
     Reply #10 - September 07, 2016, 12:37 PM


    "Rape is rare in any Islamic society that is governed by sharia laws and islamic values"

    NOOOOOOOOO!   What makes people think that rape in islam majority countries does not exist?  It might not be reported.  But it happens.  Because every women thinks to carry four male witnesses in her handbag when she goes out to get raped or when she stays home to get raped.  Even in even western countries a large percent of rapes go unreported and there is a lower conviction rate than for any other type of crime. 

    Also most of the article is racist comments. 

    The unreligion, only one calorie
  • It's not the immigrants fault, it's western society!
     Reply #11 - September 07, 2016, 01:30 PM


    Yes ..yes  It is indeed Ridiculous bee.,  I just don't get it ., For some reason I don't understand your views and your posts ., AM I THAT STUPID? ...  Huh? Cry  They are more confusing  than what I write..


    ..Chess, Gym, Used to do a lot of Tae-Kwon-Don and Travelling. Love eating out, soon there will post on different cuisines found in this great city of London.....Chemistry graduate from London University and has been working as an IT Professional for the last two decades. He has also authored a number of books and articles regarding world politics.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • It's not the immigrants fault, it's western society!
     Reply #12 - September 07, 2016, 02:28 PM


    "Rape is rare in any Islamic society that is governed by sharia laws and islamic values"

    NOOOOOOOOO!   What makes people think that rape in islam majority countries does not exist?  It might not be reported.  But it happens.  Because every women thinks to carry four male witnesses in her handbag when she goes out to get raped or when she stays home to get raped.  Even in even western countries a large percent of rapes go unreported and there is a lower conviction rate than for any other type of crime. 

    Also most of the article is racist comments. 

    To be clear, I was commenting on the article not others comments.  The quote was also from the article. 

    The unreligion, only one calorie
  • It's not the immigrants fault, it's western society!
     Reply #13 - September 07, 2016, 02:48 PM

    To be clear, I was commenting on the article not others comments.  The quote was also from the article.  

    .. Hmmm .. well then I am sorry to say this Bee.,   "you are NOT doing justice to your knowledge., intelligence and background on Islam and specially on what that fellow wrote there"

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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