I was using lexapro 10 mg.
And my doctor prescribed for major depression.
I was using it for 4 months.
damn look at that lexapro .... all of these have similar active chemical structure .. I guess the difference is blood brain barrier crossing
there is a serious problem with Mental Health and Mental Health Medications dear abidali., Doctors
(NOT ALL) become money spinning criminals along drug manufacturers ..
differentiating medications such as Antidepressants.... Anti-Anxiety Medications.. Antipsychotics ....Mood Stabilizers .....Stimulants.. etc..etc.. are money spinning over prescribed drugs .. Damn that single chemical Zyprexa sales every year are around $2.2B in the US, and $4.7B worldwide ..
So Money is the root cause AMRIKA mental health problem I had breaks though in between.
So now I decided I should leave them, because you can't stay on these drugs forever, so why not leave them now.
I must say, I did got helped from this drug.
did your doc say now you can stop the medication? or you took decision on your own?
I came out of my major depression.
did you figure out the triggers and reasons for your depression? is it really chemical imbalance such as in the case of
"Psychosis" or is it just "Issues in life" and
ADHD problems Symptoms of ADHDwell as i say often.. "Be your own Prophet " I say now "Be your own doctor "
But it makes you a robot, you start to care less about yourself and others. Not a big fan of this SSRIs.
that is not completely true but it is true you lose interest and motivation to do things .. For that you should get up and run in the morning and
make list of things what you must do every day ... get out of routine nonsense and noise
with best wishes