Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala Indeed Misguided These Islamic Idiots
Islamist preacher Abdulghani Albaf denounced public urinals during a sermon about death A fiery Islamist preacher in Sydney has denounced Muslim men who use public urinals in a sermon about death. Fundamentalist Abdulghani Albaf said people who refused to follow Allah would be punished in the grave for indiscretions, like spreading 'evil rumours' and exposing themselves at a public urinal.
'There are two mentionings, one that mentions when they would urinate that they would do so without, in public, without concealing, hiding themselves or hiding their private parts,' he thundered at the end of his 48-minute, Friday night sermon.
How often do we see this today? Every public, every male public toilet now has urinals where they just stand up like animals and urinate in front of one another.
'What's worse is we even have Muslims using these urinals.'
These Islamic idiots such as the above has human genitalia problems running circles in their brain .. May be making their mouth as public urinals will solve their problem .. at that scoundrel what he says ... he uses generously that Quran statement
"He(Allah) guides whom He wills" whenever he needs it
for his misdeedsSure Allah misguided millions of fools like that rascals since the beginning of "ISLAMIST REGIMES " after the death of Prophet of Islam