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 Topic: Sweden book burning clashes

 (Read 2770 times)
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  • Sweden book burning clashes
     OP - April 18, 2022, 06:47 PM

    far right group threatens to burn book, migrant gangs attack police.
  • Sweden book burning clashes
     Reply #1 - April 20, 2022, 03:51 PM

    well Back to burning and looting .. News from Dawn says with this picture

    Smoke billows from a burning car during a riot ahead of a demonstration planned by Danish anti-Muslim politician Rasmus Paludan and his Stram Kurs party, which was to include a desecration of the Holy Quran, in Navestad, Norrkoping, Sweden, April 17.

    Pakistan 'strongly condemns' Islamophobic incidents in Sweden and Netherlands

    "Pakistan strongly condemns the recent abhorrent act of desecration of the Holy Quran during rallies in Sweden. Pakistan also strongly condemns the offensive remarks made by a Dutch politician, attacking Islam and the Muslim holy month of Ramazan.

    "Pakistan’s concerns have been conveyed to the authorities in Sweden and the Netherlands. They have been urged to take cognisance of the sentiments of the people of Pakistan and the Muslims worldwide and take steps to prevent Islamophobic incidents," the FO statement said.

    Swedish police said on Monday that several days of unrest, sparked by a far-right group's plans to desecrate the Quran, have injured several dozen people and called for more resources to deal with the violence. Protests turned violent in several cities since Thursday, leaving 26 police officers and 14 civilians injured, police said at a press conference on Monday.

    Pakistan said such "provocative Islamophobic incidents" served no purpose other than hurting the sensitivities of the global Muslim community.

    "Such actions are not covered under legitimate expressions of the right to freedom of expression or opinion, which carry responsibilities under international human rights law such as the obligation not to carry out hate speech and incite people to violence," the statement said.

    It added that Muslims everywhere unequivocally condemned the practice of insulting Islam, Christianity and Judaism and stood against all acts of violence on the basis of religion or belief. "These principles must be equally respected and supported by all," the statement pointed out.

    Pakistan said the international community needed to show a common resolve against xenophobia, intolerance and incitement to violence on the basis of religion or belief, and work together for promoting inter-faith harmony and peaceful co-existence.

    "We call on the international community to demonstrate solidarity and commitment to the ideals of building peaceful and harmonious societies for the betterment of humanity," the FO urged.

    Swedish unrest
    The unrest in Sweden was sparked by the leader of an anti-immigration and anti-Islam group, Rasmus Paludan, who is aiming to drum up support ahead of the September elections.

    Paludan — who intends to stand in the September poll but does not yet have the necessary signatures to secure his candidacy — has gone on a declared “tour” of Sweden, visiting cities and towns with large Muslim populations with the intent of desecrating copies of the Holy Quran as Muslims mark the holy month of Ramazan.

    Clashes with police have erupted during protests against the group since Thursday evening, starting in the cities Linkoping and Norrkoping.

    They spread to the city of Malmo, where a school was set alight during the second night of unrest on Saturday-Sunday.

    “Criminals have profited from the situation to show violence toward society, without any link to the demonstrations,” national police chief Anders Thornberg said at a press conference on Monday.

    “There are too few of us. We have grown, but we have not grown at the same pace as the problems at the heart of society,” he said, asking for more resources for the police.

    As protesters burned cars and lobbed rocks at the police in Sunday clashes, officers responded, head of police special forces Jonas Hysing said.

    “Some 200 participants were violent and the police had to respond with arms in legitimate self-defence,” he said. Police had earlier said officers wounded three people after firing warning shots during Sunday's “riot”.

    Eight people were arrested in the city of Norrkoping and 18 people were detained in the neighbouring city of Linkoping, because of the violence.  On Sunday, clashes erupted in both cities for the second time in four days.

    In the wake of the string of violent incidents, Iraq's foreign ministry said on Sunday it had summoned the Swedish charge d'affaires in Baghdad.

    It warned the affair could have “serious repercussions” on “relations between Sweden and Muslims in general, both Muslim and Arab countries and Muslim communities in Europe”.

    Saudi Arabia's official news agency said the kingdom has “condemned the agitations of certain extremists in Sweden and their provocations against Muslims”

    that is the news.. well now days due to social media and such news reports., It is hard to live as Muslim and a decent guy from Pakistan ...

    I am not sure WHAT THESE IDIOTS WHO ARE ACTING LIKE ASS HOLES ARE GOING TO GAIN by burning cars/buses  and buddings

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Sweden book burning clashes
     Reply #2 - July 22, 2023, 10:09 AM

    too lazy to make a new thread - these book burnings don't seem to make the headlines anymore:

    In the latest incident, a Swedish-based Iraqi refugee, Salwan Momika, of Christian origin but now a self-described atheist, threatened to burn a copy of the Qur’an. In the event, he kicked, dropped and stepped on the holy book outside the Iraq embassy on Thursday, but did not burn it.
  • Sweden book burning clashes
     Reply #3 - July 28, 2023, 09:12 AM

    too lazy to make a new thread - these book burnings don't seem to make the headlines anymore:

    What would you say is the reason for that? My own mundane reason is people are bored of hearing about quran burnings.
  • Sweden book burning clashes
     Reply #4 - August 05, 2023, 01:17 PM

    What would you say is the reason for that? My own mundane reason is people are bored of hearing about quran burnings.

    and probably bored of news stories about muslims since there haven't been any attacks in the last few years.

    unfortunately, ignoring the problem won't make it go away - especially with ongoing migration from benighted regions into europe.
  • Sweden book burning clashes
     Reply #5 - August 25, 2023, 11:18 PM

    nextdoor in denmark, authorities try to pre-empt violence by surrendering beforehand.

    Denmark proposes bill that could see ban on Quran burnings
  • Sweden book burning clashes
     Reply #6 - September 10, 2023, 02:50 PM

    unfortunately, ignoring the problem won't make it go away - especially with ongoing migration from benighted regions into europe.

    I'd hate for anyone to accuse you of making a 'far right talking point' if you were to air this view in public!

    So onto Quran's and abayas. My view is banning the abaya is not good, don't like it. Freedom to wear what you want and all that. Multiculturalists on board with this so far? Good. Now I also don't think banning quran burnings is a good idea either. They have their own freedom of expression, whether some have nefarious motives or not. We're all free to publicly criticise them for the latter in particular without daddy state authorities getting involved.

    Alas we don't live in a mature society.

  • Sweden book burning clashes
     Reply #7 - September 10, 2023, 10:55 PM

    I'd hate for anyone to accuse you of making a 'far right talking point' if you were to air this view in public!

    the general public is thick - I hope that endears me to the stupid thickos. european countries want cheap labour so encourage legal/illegal immigration at the expense of social cohesion.

    My view is banning the abaya is not good, don't like it. Freedom to wear what you want and all that.

    if you can't bring yourself to curtail the rights of parents to brand their children as foreign aliens at state school then you're part of the problem. every child is entitled to be brainwashed by the british education system - we must not allow opt-outs for parents who are enthusiastic about arab cosplay.

    Now I also don't think banning quran burnings is a good idea either. They have their own freedom of expression, whether some have nefarious motives or not.

    burn useless clothes along with useless books I say!

  • Sweden book burning clashes
     Reply #8 - September 11, 2023, 07:36 PM

    if you can't bring yourself to curtail the rights of parents to brand their children as foreign aliens at state school then you're part of the problem. every child is entitled to be brainwashed by the british education system - we must not allow opt-outs for parents who are enthusiastic about arab cosplay.

    I certainly do think face veils should be banned in schools and workplaces. Always thought it was more than odd seeing the odd person in college dressed head to foot in this garb, the face covering being the actual problematic thing.

    But if I were to get really upset and decry 'racism' at this policy in the name of 'anti-bigotry', then I think I wouldn't be part of the problem. There are things I lose sleep over but this ban isn't one of them by the way. I don't personally see the abaya as that big of a deal although I hate the body shaming that it represents.
  • Sweden book burning clashes
     Reply #9 - September 12, 2023, 08:06 PM

    body shaming? lol, what's the point of freeing yourself from one religion if you're going to substitute it with another?

    the abaya is a symbol like any book of holy nonsense. if they can't be burned then they can at least be banned at school. is that really a controversial position on a forum like this?
  • Sweden book burning clashes
     Reply #10 - September 12, 2023, 08:29 PM

    is that really a controversial position on a forum like this?

    I didn't suggest that it was Smiley
  • Sweden book burning clashes
     Reply #11 - September 12, 2023, 08:44 PM

    I didn't suggest that it was Smiley

    no, this is where you're supposed to argue back so I can then rail against wishy washy ex muslims! whistling2

    meanwhile, in denmark:

    Should governments ban the “improper treatment of objects of significant religious importance to a religious community”? That is what the Danish government is suggesting in a new law it announced last week that could see offenders imprisoned for two years.

    I have a suggestion what they can do with their objects!

  • Sweden book burning clashes
     Reply #12 - September 20, 2023, 03:54 PM

    no, this is where you're supposed to argue back so I can then rail against wishy washy ex muslims!

    My dear crumble, given my own posting history on this forum including some of our past exchanges, the last thing I expect to be described is wishy washy  Cheesy
  • Sweden book burning clashes
     Reply #13 - September 21, 2023, 08:30 PM

    I mean abstract wishy washies - you set it up and I knock it down!

    meanwhile, tin pot countries like turkey, iran and qatar throw a tantrum.

    Europe attacked by Muslim leaders at UN over Quran burnings
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