Check out some of the piffle some individuals come out with when it comes to proving the existence of a creator. I've taken this from an FB group where I'm one of the admins.
"It is really quite simple. God exists because the universe exists, in its macro and micro dimension, the micro dimension being u.
There is no way for any creation to exist without the creator. And we, who are the most intelligent beings, we know that we have not created the universe.
And if you ask, who created God, something everyone who disbelieves in the existance of God asks, the answer is that by asking this question u r saying that God is created. But God is not created, nobody claims that God is a creation. God is THE CREATOR. The Creator that u cannot deny because creation is all and everywhere around you."
"everything that comes into being speaks of a creator that made it come into being. So everything u see celebrates the praises of God by their existance.
If you say who created God you confirm that everything that comes into existance is a creation and that a creation cannot be without a creator.
God is that Creator. Logically speaking, it is impossible to deny that God exists."
"And how so? What has emotion to do with the logic that everything created testifies to a creator? We all know that the universe came into existance at one stage in time .. the Big Bang Theory!! So the universe is a creation that happened at one point in time and therefore testifies to a creator. So do we. So does every living thing that comes into existance at one point in time."
"The fact that there was the effect of a big bang tells us that there was a cause that made it happen. This is science. No effect without a cause and no cause without its effect. This is the law of science. Nothing happens without something to cause it to happen. The Big Bang speaks of the fact that the Universe was together before it split apart. Dont u see this?"
"And He who made it come together is also He who made it split apart. If you got back to the first cause .. u will find God."
"The proof is in the eating as they say. You have a cause, you have the effect, u have to have a creator to set cause and effect into motion."
"There is only one God.Allah is the Arabic name for the Creator of all things, for GOD, your and mine and everything there is."
"I got your point. You want an explanation that is based on rational science.
I said that creation cannot be without that there is a creator who created it.
This is logic based on observation. "
....and just in case you haven't slashed your wrists yet! Here's her take on evolution!
"Muslims who deny evolution do not know what they saying. Qur'an clearly reveals that Allah is the Evolver of forms, that Allah has created us GROWING.. that there was a long time before man became mentioned on earth.
But just because we didnt look as we look now for a long time, this does not mean that Darwin got it right. Darwin's evolution has a missing link. Darwin could not explain how it is possible for primitive ape-man to turn into intelligent human being. Islam can explain this. For God taught Adam the names of all things, breathed of His Spirit into Adam). It is only because of this, because God had created us in perfection in the very beginning, that we unfolded the way we have, that primitive ape-man changed into intelligent man.
It is like the chicken and egg story. The chicken gives the egg and out of the egg a chicken grows, beginning as a lil chick that grows to its full size in proper time. Allah is the Creator of all things and the Evolver of forms. The perfect human being was (is) already hidden in the seed."
After a while it really makes you ill.