ANN ARBOR, Mich. - Two Domino's Pizza employees in Conover, N.C., have been fired after a video was posted on YouTube showing one of them putting cheese in his nostril and waving meat under his rear end while assembling a sandwich.
The Ann Arbor News reports the video appears to have first been posted Monday.
Tim McIntyre, spokesman for Ann Arbor-based Domino's Pizza Inc., said Wednesday the "idiots" were fired, criminal charges for food tampering are being pressed and the company is considering a civil action.
Eric Farr, spokesman for the Catawba County district attorney's office, says there is an ongoing investigation, but declined to give details.
Catawba County public health department spokeswoman Kellie Coffey says the franchise was closed Tuesday to be sanitized.,0,619901.storyNext time you wanna pizza, make it yerself so you avoid having people like these two doin it. I know not all fast food workin folks are like this, but it's a reminder that youll always be taking a risk cuz you don't know whats going on behind closed doors.
Plus it's cheaper, healthier and quicker to make it yourself in some cases.