Well it would help if you hadn't deliberately constructed such absolute bullshit poll questions. You didn't give people the option of just voting "No". You loaded the questions so that if they did not think BNP reps should be invited to official parties they would have to vote "No. Racists have no rights."
In other words, this is a troll not a poll.
You are attempting to force the result you want by the way you word your questions. Since you are taking the piss I feel no qualms about taking the piss myself, ergo my vote. Suck it up.
Calm down old bean. Ignore all the words that come after 'yes' or 'no', that was called 'humour' - you may have heard of it at school all those years ago?
And for your info (God, you're a paranoid lot sometimes) - I don't give a monkeys, I'm not trying to force any answer. It's yes, or it's no - there no conditions, the wording is not a trap!! Crikey.