Another miracle of the Qur'an has been discovered. Yes Allah told us about the great game of football (soccer) a millennia before it was devised in its current form. How could Muhammad have known all this 1600 years ago? No way. it must have been divine revelation.
It even tells us about substitutes, diving, arguing with the ref, the goal posts, etc.
Substitute for them better men than they; And We are not to be
defeated70:42 So leave them to
plunge (dive) in
vain talk (arguing) and
play about, until they encounter that
Day of theirs (cup final) which they have been promised!
70:43 The Day whereon they will come forth from their sepulchres (dug outs) in sudden haste as if they were rushing to a
goal-postThese are the actual verses as translated by Yusuf Ali. The bold is just my highlights. But the explanations in brackets have been added to clarify Allah's words in today's modern language.
If this isn't confirmation of divine revelation then I don't know what is.
This is brilliant!