Okay Kaiwai and Baal, you guys want to make the argument that Bangladesh is the most tribal country of em all by only giving one source for your argument? Then by all means please do continue with your ignorance.
I'm a bit surprised that this topic is being discussed again. Last time Kaiwai made the same accusation, and I've stated that the acid
attacks happen in poorer villages of Bangladesh, but by no means is it of the mainstream culture. Both you and Baal, find me few sources that states that honor killing in Bangladesh can be found to be part of the mainstream culture. If you're gonna post bullshit, and I see that your sources lead to these crimes happening in poorer, more Islamic villages of Bangladesh (something I've not denied) then you have proved my point that your arguments are empty, and unresearched.
There is a difference between an acid attack, and an honor killing. The latter is where someone is killed (like the Arab's favorite--stoning). Acid attacks and any other misogynistic attacks are simply that--misogynistic attacks. No country in the world is completely void of this issue. Talk to a cop here in the states. I'm sure he/she can tell you of domestic attacks of the like happening in the U.S.
And Kaiwai, I gave my previous response to you because I've answered your question in a previous thread in which I've laid out that Bangladesh isn't an Islamic country in the sense that it has a Sharia state, and approves of any honor killings. Seems you ignored that one and are more willful to carry on with your empty rant.
Acid attacks + Honor killing is the same if done for the same reason and/or is left unpunished.
First of all, no it's not the same. And second of all, in Bangladesh, its not left unpunished if a suspect is found guilty. Nice try.
* Does Bangladesh have a strong sense of what we do is right, what is done to us is wrong? (relative morality).
* Is revenge considered unethical?
* Is revenge encouraged (You have to get your righ)?
* Very High incidence of people hiring friends & family in public offices?
Those questions are just from the top of my head as to what would make a society tribal-like, I will post more when I wake up.
Let me sum up all your questions into one Baal: Does Bangladesh have crazy conservative nutjobs who run much of the govt. and make it a corrupt govt.? The answer is yes. What's your point? I can find the same within U.S govt.
* Is honor based on what you do only? or based on what people say of you?
Depends on the person.
* Does your sin reflect on your entire family?
Depends on the family.