IsLame, I've spent a good portion of my late teen and adult life getting lit up, and very recently I've come to a fairly upsetting conclusion-- I don't really enjoy drinking anymore. Out of the last dozen times I've gotten blasted, I've enjoyed myself maybe twice, and it's a good bet I would've enjoyed myself as much without the drinking on those occasions.
So a few days ago I decided I'm quitting it for the time being. I didn't "hit rock-bottom", nor did I have a really bad drunken experience which made me want to swear off drinking (though I've had plenty of those in the past), I just decided it's not much fun anymore. Not saying I'll never get drunk again, not even 100% committing I won't drink tonight, but right now it doesn't have any appeal for me, and I think it's unlikely I'm gonna want to drink tonight-- that's all. I'll have some good food, and with any luck there will be a cute, single girl there for me to chat up. But I don't foresee any crazy Q-Man drunkenness tonight like on past New Years.
I would, but unfortunately there are no baby seals in Philly.