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 Topic: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"

 (Read 313525 times)
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  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #30 - April 28, 2010, 11:20 PM

    Thank you my Arab brothers and sisters, I appreciate this very much far away hug

    "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshiped anything but himself."
    ~Sir Richard Francis Burton

    "I think religion is just like smoking: Both invented by people, addictive, harmful, and kills!"
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #31 - April 28, 2010, 11:25 PM

    Well, I think we should translate page by page, because some people need help and leaving blanks in entire chapters would be ridiculous, whereas leaving blanks a single page at a time would be manageable for others to fill in. I also think it'd have more momentum if done page by page, as each person taking up a chapter might cause people to forget about it or be overwhelmed. We'd have more updates so have more of a push to work on it.
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #32 - April 28, 2010, 11:27 PM

    Abood - I dont mean to be pessimistic, just realistic. 

    Judging by past experience here, I doubt you will be able to get much traction on volounteers.  You are going to need all the help you can muster from here, FFI, Facebook and the Arab Atheist Network.  Its gonna need a lot of co-ordination.

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  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #33 - April 28, 2010, 11:30 PM

    Yeh, I know it's pretty hard to coordinate volunteers, but if we get started, maybe it'll encourage others to join if we tell them about the project.
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #34 - April 28, 2010, 11:32 PM

    I'd suggest that 1 person take the responsibility of assigning the Arabic speaking volunteers who want to translate the book into English. The person responsible should be bilingual in Arabic and English too. He/she can verify the translations are correct, in the right order etc. And copy/paste them in this thread or on the wiki that Aziz mentioned. We can also upload the translated version on the web for people to access from anywhere on the net (like

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #35 - April 28, 2010, 11:34 PM

    That sounds good. But the coordinator should be an expert in both English and Arabic to make sure that the translation is accurate.
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #36 - April 28, 2010, 11:38 PM

    I'd suggest that 1 person take the responsibility of assigning the Arabic speaking volunteers who want to translate the book into English. The person responsible should be bilingual in Arabic and English too. He/she can verify the translations are correct, in the right order etc. And copy/paste them in this thread or on the wiki that Aziz mentioned. We can also upload the translated version on the web for people to access from anywhere on the net (like

    If you start worrying about accuracy at this stage, I am sure this project will be a non-starter.  I think it just needs to be started, accuracy can come at the first revision if required..  To begin with its the material we need, the sections from the quran that are flawed, the rest is icing on the cake.

    My Book     news002       
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  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #37 - April 28, 2010, 11:40 PM

    I'd like to volunteer. My English is not perfect but I will try to do my best. Plus, I think I have a thesaurus somewhere. I just need to look for it and install it.

    If you need me just holla.
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #38 - April 28, 2010, 11:45 PM

    I'd like to volunteer. My English is not perfect but I will try to do my best. Plus, I think I have a thesaurus somewhere. I just need to look for it and install it.

    If you need me just holla.

    Your english seems perfect from your posts.

    "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshiped anything but himself."
    ~Sir Richard Francis Burton

    "I think religion is just like smoking: Both invented by people, addictive, harmful, and kills!"
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #39 - April 28, 2010, 11:47 PM

    here I found this synopsis about the book:

    كتاب محنتي مع القرآن ومع الله في القرآن - الشيخ الدكتور عباس عبد النور
    الطبعة الثانية وهي نسخة محسنة جداً.

    عباس عبد النور من مواليد دمنهور، سني المذهب. فقيه. مدير تكية.قضى ستين عاما من عمره مسلما تقيا، وإمام مسجد، وخطيبا رائعا، وكاتبا وشاعرا ومفسرا للقرآن الكريم، ثم نشر كتابه ( محنتي مع القرآن ) وكفر عندما بلغ الثمانين من عمره، وكتابه هو أخطر كتب الالحاد .
    ألتحق بكلية اصول الدين في الأزهر. ومنح مساعدة من دائرة الأوقاف الإسلامية ، فانتقل إلى جامعة السوربون في باريس ليحضر دكتوراه في فلسفة العلم، وتمكن من الفلسفة والعلم معاً.
    ولما عاد إلى مدينته أصبح إماماً وخطيباً في أحد مساجدها، وكان له فيها مريدون، نشأهم على الإيمان وحسن العبادة، كما كان أستاذاً جامعياً، ومؤلفاً لكتب فلسفية وعلمية عديدة.
    إلا أن حياته الفكرية لم تكن من دون قلق ولا حياته الدينية من دون شكوك، لقد كان عقله يثير موضوعات شائكة، وكان إيمانه يكفيه الجواب على كل معضلة..
    صراع العلم والإيمان ابتدأ عند عباس باكراً، صراع لم تتح له الفرصة ليطرح علناً. ولو خارج من الخفاء منذ نشأته، لما وصل إلى هذا الحد من العنف المعبر عنه في هذا الكتاب الذي قل نظيره.

    My plight with the Koran and with God in the Koran version 2 (it's a better version) - Abbas Abdel Nour (Arabic)

    Abbas Abdul Noor, born in Damanhur, a Sunni doctrine. Faqih. Director of hospice. He was sixty-year-old devout Muslim, Imam mosque, a great preacher and writer, poet and explaining the Holy Qur'an, and then after the publication of his book (the Koran with my plight) and became an unbeliever when it was eighty years old, and his book is the most dangerous wrote in atheism.
    He joined the Faculty of religion in the assets of Al-Azhar. And the granting of assistance from the Islamic Waqf, moved to the University of Sorbonne in Paris to attend a doctorate in philosophy of science, philosophy and able to be educated together.
    When he returned to his city became imam and preacher at a mosque, and it has a Dreadlocked, gave them the note of good faith and worship, as a university professor and author of books and many scientific philosophical.
    However, the intellectual life were not without concern or without his religious doubts, it was mind raises thorny issues, and enough faith in the answer to every problem ..
    Science and faith conflict began when Abbas early in the conflict have not had the opportunity to present publicly. If out of the shadows since its inception, had reached that the reduction of violence as expressed in this book, there is a lot like him.

    Note: This book is banned in all Arab and Islamic countries.

    ¤                                                                                ¤
    ¤ للمزيد من المعلومات أو لنقاش الكتاب يرجى التفضل على مجموعتنا في الفيسبوك          ¤
    ¤ For more information and to discuss this book, please visit us in our group on ¤
    ¤ Facebook.                                                                      ¤
    ¤                                                                                ¤
    ¤                         - فصل الدين عن الدولة هو الحل -                         ¤
    ¤    - We believe that the separation of religion and state is the solution -    ¤
    ¤                                                                                ¤


  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #40 - April 28, 2010, 11:49 PM

    If you start worrying about accuracy at this stage, I am sure this project will be a non-starter.  I think it just needs to be started, accuracy can come at the first revision if required..  To begin with its the material we need, the sections from the quran that are flawed, the rest is icing on the cake.

    It does not have to be perfectly written, but it should be accurately translated, capturing the meaning of the original.

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #41 - April 28, 2010, 11:49 PM

    I'd like to volunteer. My English is not perfect but I will try to do my best. Plus, I think I have a thesaurus somewhere. I just need to look for it and install it.

    If you need me just holla.

    Awesome. Any more volunteers? Smiley

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #42 - April 28, 2010, 11:50 PM

    I think the above translated synopsis was auto-translated using google or something similar, as it is not perfect English.

  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #43 - April 28, 2010, 11:54 PM

    Quote from: allat
    but it should be accurately translated

    Not from the get-go. That would discourage people. We can always edit it. Now what we need is motivation to get started.
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #44 - April 28, 2010, 11:56 PM

    It does not have to be perfectly written, but it should be accurately translated, capturing the meaning of the original.

    In a perfect world, where projects like this always get completed, yes.  I would rather a less than accurate translation, that none at all.  I am happy to fill in the blanks when I read it, if I ever get the opportunity too.

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #45 - April 28, 2010, 11:59 PM

    Not from the get-go. That would discourage people. We can always edit it. Now what we need is motivation to get started.

    Agreed Abood- you just coordinate and do the best you can.  You have my full support  Afro

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #46 - April 28, 2010, 11:59 PM

    We'll always have Google Translator  Afro|en|
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #47 - April 29, 2010, 12:00 AM

    problem is that its not in a readable electronic format, otherwise that would have made it quicker so only corrections would have to be made, rather than starting the whole thing from scratch.

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #48 - April 29, 2010, 12:06 AM

    Of course. I've never used it before but my mum says it's reliable. It might come in handy when one's stuck with a word.
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #49 - April 29, 2010, 12:06 AM

    So Abood you're happy to be the coordinator? Smiley

    We have 1 translator so far: Iraqi Atheist.

    Let's see maybe others will join up. I'm sure many non-Arabic-speakers are looking forward to reading this (myself included!)

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #50 - April 29, 2010, 12:07 AM

    Thats better than what I expected from google translate

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #51 - April 29, 2010, 12:09 AM

    Actually, I have a couple of hours to waste before I dive in bed. Maybe you could send me the link so that I can get started?
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #52 - April 29, 2010, 12:11 AM

    Of course. I've never used it before but my mum says it's reliable. It might come in handy when one's stuck with a word.

    It translates whole sentences, it just needs someone to check & revise it if we can get it into an electronic (rather than adobe format) or find the original copy..

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #53 - April 29, 2010, 12:12 AM

    Agreed Abood- you just coordinate and do the best you can.  You have my full support  Afro

    So I'm the coordinator now? Tongue

    That works, haha.

    OK, I honestly think we should get started here before trying to get others to join. That'd definitely show that we're serious about it.

    Anyone willing to get started ASAP, report here.
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #54 - April 29, 2010, 12:13 AM

    Actually, I have a couple of hours to waste before I dive in bed. Maybe you could send me the link so that I can get started?

    I think we should merge both threads - RIBS posted it there

    Here it is anyway

    My Ordeal With The Quran

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #55 - April 29, 2010, 12:14 AM

    Actually, I have a couple of hours to waste before I dive in bed. Maybe you could send me the link so that I can get started?

    That's brilliant.

    You can find the book here:

    Can you submit whatever you translate tonight here? Doesn't have to be much, just gotta get going.
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #56 - April 29, 2010, 12:26 AM

    Starting right now  pccoffee
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #57 - April 29, 2010, 12:49 AM

    Threads merged.  Afro

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #58 - April 29, 2010, 12:50 AM

    Starting right now  pccoffee

    Good luck staying up all night, and don't forget to pray salat ul Fajr

    "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshiped anything but himself."
    ~Sir Richard Francis Burton

    "I think religion is just like smoking: Both invented by people, addictive, harmful, and kills!"
  • Re: Discussion about "My Ordeal with the Qur'an"
     Reply #59 - April 29, 2010, 03:22 AM

    Just finished translating the first 2 pages (the author's biography).

    Although I wasted a lot of time, it was extremely time consuming nonetheless. The 2 pages (1 Word page) took me 1 hour. Perhaps it's because I haven't read a book in Arabic ages. Probably because I have never done it before.

    It can be fun though and it would definitely improve your proficiency in both languages.

    One problem, the second last paragraph in the second page is not complete because some words are missing from the original file. Clearly it was a scanning fault.
    In the word document, it's the paragraph with the *** next to it.
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