So were you in awe, or did you feel like me, that Islam was your preordained destiny. Its what I was, and questioning it as simply not on the table for discussion, because its who I was.
Islame, the issue for me ran much deeper than the details within the Quran itself. You have to remember that the three abrahamic faiths rest on the presumption of God. Whether the Quran/Torah/Bible was his word came way after the presumption. If I had doubts about God, then what use was trying to convince myself that the Quran is the word of the very being about which I am having doubts!
I almost didnt care if it made sense to me, as long as others could see the sense in it. My primary focus seemed to be stopping others from thinking less of muslims.
You are getting warmer, the key element again is faith. Once that is stripped away, then the arguments don't make sense. What should be looked at is this, is there anyway that the Quran, Sira or Hadith collection can be looked at purely through secular explanations that are coherent? The other thing which helped me was the word epistemology. It's the theory of knowledge, what it is and how we get it. If you are that way inclined, I would suggest that you read up on it.