11. Furthermore, what reason lies behind specifying seven heavens, other than because it was regarded as a sacred number in ancient mythology? Wherever you look in this universe, you will not find evidence of this number except in the minds of fortunetellers, sorcerers, mystics, oracles, gnostics and such-like who claim to have secret knowledge. How can this number be reconciled with the colossal numbers of planets, stars, star systems, galaxies, nebulae and cosmic dust?
Where is this number 7 in this avalanche? Where are the seven heavens and seven earths? And what is the meaning of the lowest heaven and the lamps that dangle from it? Are they the relatively modest number of stars that are observable with the naked eye? No, before all of that, can the lowest heaven – as the Qur’an calls it – even be regarded as a single, unified homogenous entity? Is it merely our galaxy - the Milky Way - which is made up of millions of stars sprinkled in the night sky? Or are there other galaxies beyond this galaxy, and galaxies beyond them counted in millions, each one containing millions of stars?
It is naïve to label this explosive and clashing mixture, these worlds which words cannot describe, nor eloquence define, nor numbers compute, it is naïve to label all this “The Lowest Sky” and limit it in the way these verses do:
“Blessed is he who made constellations in the skies/heavens, and placed therein a Lamp and a Moon giving light” (25:61)
And embroidered the sky with some stars which we can travel by:
“And He it is who made the stars for you, that you may be guided by them in the darkness of the land and the sea. We have detailed our revelations for a people who have knowledge.” (6:97)
Well according to the believers of seven heavens this universe is the lowest level of heaven. After the highest one comes the realm of God.