I have the opportunity to go to Paris, France for nine months next year, or to Munich, Germany for nine months. I thought it would be an easy choice but now I'm ripping my hair out trying to figure out where I want to go. I think I'd rather learn French but I'd prefer to go to Munich, and the more I think about it, the more I want to learn German.
Basically, I just want as many opinions as I can on this; whatever they are.
Which language of the two is harder? Which one of the two would you want to learn? Would you prefer spending nine months in Paris or Munich? Which of the two languages - German or French - is more practical to learn?
Sorry for all the questions. My parents are pretty useless with this. Their answer to learning French was "depends if you want to spend nine months living with the French", and their answer to German was "depends if you want to spend nine months living with the Germans".