Don't do that brother, you are better than that. Remember MLK and Ghandi, restraint is the key to peace and happiness. Leave that toothpaste tube unmangled.
There is a difference between restraint and exposing hypocricy. MLK exposed hypocricy by showing blacks being punished for doing the exact same things as whites and instead of fighting back they held their head up high. He didn't pull any punches when it came to asserting what he believed were his rights, namely equality.
Ghandi exposed the ludicrisness of British laws by walking to the ocean and "making" salt to expose the stupidity of the british domestic industrial policy.
The very next question is would you defend someone who chose to wear the burka? Would you defend someone who chose to wear the hijab or no head covering at all? If he doesn't answer affermative to both, then he is a hypocrite and should be called one. The problem with reporters is that they think they are just there to passivly report the news, ask a question, get an answer, ok wrap it up. They don't flesh out opinions, ideas, or the general "mood" of the people.
I mean reporters in the South simply asked why should there be segregation. Segregationists would reply something about each state getting to choose their policy blah blah blah. The reporter should have asked ( and usually didn't) how would the person feel if a state segregated white people into one specific side of town etc. Then you expose what the true opinion is, not whatever they want to couch their opinion in to make it sound pleasing to the audience.