I never understood a lot of things those who really believe in a God and an Afterlife do.
Why do they mourn their dead?
Won't they be reunited in a few decades and spend the rest of eternity together? After being reunited a few billion years those decades will be as
nothing. If I believed in the eternal afterlife, I don't think I would have to mourn anyone because death would be meaningless. It would just be like they moved somewhere else for a short time.
Why do they heal their sick?
Why prevent the sick from dying and rising up to experience the wonders of paradise? If someone dies, then God/Allah must have decided their time was up. No point in fighting that? In fact stealing their death will only expose them to more harm and hurt here on earth. If you truly believe in a paradise, saving someone from dying is actually a cruel and selfish action!
Very suspicious.

Also, the concept of existing for all eternity completely devalues life on earth. The only thing you really have to do is accept the true religion (if you manage to find it from the thousands of choices), and everything else is just wasting time while you wait for death and your ascension to paradise/heaven.
As for my personal thoughts on the matter, they have already been expressed by others. Especially the Mark Twain quote is fitting.