Thanks for your constructive reply HighOctane.
I'm taking this approach because it's the only option I have available at the moment, at least I think it is. I can't say I'm a murtad and I disagree with hijab, so basically all I can do is somehow convince them that hijab isn't necessary/fardh for muslim women.
Anyhow I'll attempt to answer a few of your questions...
How devout are your parents?
At the moment they are very religious and cultural. Mum and sisters were hijab and jilbab.
How long have you been wearing one?
Since I was 14.
How pervasive is the hijab in your family?
Everyone wears it and recently some cousins do the niqab too.
Are there times you don't wear one?
Nope, not when I'm with family.
Are you okay with saying no to things?
With most things, yes.
How integrated are you parents to society (I assume you live in the West?) e.g. do your parents have jobs that face the general public?
We're in London. Parent's aren't intergrated very well at all.
How strict are your parents?
Quite strict I'd say... they're more like the emotional-blackmailing type.In my family my religious siblings have a lot of authority and parents listen to them a lot.
Hope that helps? By the way, what is this NLP technique?