The crowds/passers by opposite:

View of One-Law-For-All:

View of the (very loud) counter demo:

Notice who gets more attention:

March, was nice to have some friendly police protection:

Due to a technical fault the backup speakers for One-Law-For-All had to be used and we were therefore somewhat drawned from the Allahu-Akbar rhetoric. It was nice to see Maryam, she's actually a pretty determined woman, you can see that in her eyes up front, on screen one can only see the softer side of her. When marching, some chap was holding up a flag of an Iranian party and had the word "communism" on it. The message therefore might have been a bit confusing to passers by. I did notice a few people cheers us on though.
All in all, the counter demo got more attention, but I hope enough passers by saw that there are protests against Sharia and extremism, in a non-violent but firm manner (and of course in solidarity for the struggling people of Iran). Shame we aren't Daily Mail worthy, but there we go.