Both equally pervy.
It's not a double standard, just that guys are more stimulated by sight.
The votes prove there is a double standard. Whether this double standard is good or bad is another discussion.
Did this happen to you
It's alright if it did. You're safe here
I started thinking about this when I was reading about
Ben Rothlisberger's sexual assault allegations.
Also, there is a general consensus that no straight man would complain about being forced to have sex with a woman. And honestly, if I'm single.. and there is no weird shit going on then why the fuck not.
This is my main point. Why is there a consensus that a man wants to have sex with you unless proven otherwise?
Why is it normal (and for some even desirable) that the girl plays hard to get? you know make him wait until the X
th date and whatever..
I mean if I one day woke up with a girl licking my balls I'd ask her to marry me and not call the cops on her like some other men have done. Why can't I ever met the right girl?
you never fail to crack me up even when you don't intend to.
I have a lot to say on this subject and i could go on and on but...the men in the forum wouldnt like me afterwards so I shall leave it at this. Hope my opinion helps.
That was a valuable input Saathiya so please feel free to say what's on your mind. I can't speak for men but I didn't find your post offensive at all.
Has any male or female done it or got funny stories to tell about exposing themselves?
Whoever goes first gets this cake: