Can someone who can regularly have out of body experiences do this:
#1 Get a friend to write something on a paper but not show you what it says.
#2 Lie down on the bed while friend sits next to you and try to get out of your body, however you do it.
#3 Once your eyes are closed and you appear in deep sleep/trance, your friend would flip over the paper and whatever's written on it would be visible.
If at that point you're really floating above your body, you'd be able to read what was written. If not, its likely just in your head.
This isn't some easy thing to do. It is not like you can just click press a button inside your head and have an instant OBE. It takes years of practice, and what you are talking about is advance stuff, but it is worth a try.
Guys ever hear of the brain wave pattern going on when you are asleep! I think when we are asleep are brains are able to perceive a reality that is at a higher, or lower frequency. All our knowledge of the physical world is based on electrical signals in the brain. We are electromagnetic consciousness. Man i have crazy theories. I will just keep them to myself.