Interesting stuff, but it doesn't really shed much light on the issue, it just varies too much depending on the girl. Aisha could well have had some 'pre-pubescent' qualties as well as some mature 'qualities'.
"Following breast development, most girls then have the development of coarse, dark pubic hair (adrenarche) generally limited to the labia majora. This is also Tanner stage 2. Some girls (about 15%) will have the development of pubic hair before breast development.
The amount of pubic hair increases to an almost adult amount prior to the onset of the menses (Tanner stage 3).
The onset of the menstrual cycles (menarche) begins about 2 to 2 1/2 years after the onset of breast development. Thus, the menstrual cycle can occur anywhere from age 9 to age 15 and be considered 'normal.' Most girls do not have regular, predictable menstrual cycles for another year or two."
Basically breasts and pubes develop before the menstrual cycle starts. So I don't know what else other features you could use to describe a post-pubescent girl. Or on the other hand what qualities would she have that are considered "pre-pubescent"? (i.e. pre-pubescent qualities are the absence of signs of puberty)
We do not know what she looked like, or what it was about her that attracted Mo, but considering all the 9 year old girls I've seen in my life, there is a very strong chance he had some attraction to prebuscent features. (I still don't see why it has to be exclusive.)
If you and me are sitting in a bar we can call him a pedo all we want. But if we make a website that criticizes Islam we have to be fair in our arguments.
He does not fit ANY of the criteria that define a pedophile.
A more fair accusation would be to call him a hebephile but he is still not even a "full blown hebephile"
Hebephilia refers to the sexual preference for individuals in the early years of puberty (generally ages 11-14, though puberty can vary). It differs from ephebophilia, which refers to the sexual preference for individuals in later adolescence,[1] and from pedophilia, which refers to the sexual preference for prepubescent children.[2] While individuals with a sexual preference for adults (i.e., teleiophiles) may have some sexual interest in pubescent-aged individuals,[3]
the term hebephilia is reserved for those who prefer pubescent-aged individuals over adults.
There was a hadith too, was there not, where he lay claim to some toddler, and said he would marry her when she was 'ready'.
Yes this hadith exists.
Firstly, it was (and still is) a custom of the Arabs to marry someone based on tribe/lineage. (which is what I believe the hadith to refer to)
If Muhammad was attracted to her "toddler" features they would surely have disappeared when he married her anyways so I think this is irrelevant.
What would that be then? I honestly have no idea.
To share a personal story...
The first sexual experience I had was when i was 12. The girl was in my class and was also 12. The whole thing was initiated by her and I really had no clue waht I was doing.
She was fully developed (big breasts and pubic hair). She really had no (noticeable) changes occur to her body since then (even height).
Believe it or not she wasn't a virgin and first had sex when she was 10. (with another child)
This was the same thing for more than half of the girls in my class and many were (for the most part) phisically developed and some were sexually active (whether that be actual intercourse or oral sex ect..) my point is these girls felt themselves sexually mature and they desired to seek out sex.