It would be dangerous for genetically inferior people (or weak) people. It all breaks down to survival of the fittest and ghengis khan was the fittest.
This is the most retarded argument ever, and it doesn't show that you are thinking at all.
#1 Take a sample of random 100 men, most of them will be equal to each other in terms of physical strength. The best fighter of them who will have practised fighting the most, and its not a trait that can be passed on to their offspring - its not a genetic trait. How good of a fighter the offspring is will depend on how much he practises his skill.
#2 Survival of the fittest does
not mean that the most physically powerful will survive. Cockroaches are one of the oldest species of the world, yet they can be killed by a simple squish of the foot. The reason they've survived so much is not because they're so powerful, but because they have certain mutations that let them breed like crazy.
#3 In case of humans, the one trait that's the most important is intellectual capacity. The biggest threat humanity faces, is not the threat of predators, in which case physical strength would be most important. Its external threats like a nuclear war, an asteroid colliding with earth, or the sun going cold, etc. In these cases, only if enough smart humans work on finding a scientific solution to these problems will humanity survive. Hence, intelligence is the most important trait for humans, not physical strength. Gorillas are a lot stronger than humans but because of our intellect we can easily overcome them.
#4 If massive war breaks out, many, many, intelligent people will be killed. Also, even physically strong people can be surrounded and killed. Hence, this will wipe out a
lot of good, intelligent genes, and replace them with the dumb genes of the idiot who goes around on a mass rape spree.
#5 Not sure if you saw this in my last message so I'll quote it again
Edit: Plus, years or decades wasted in violence = time that could have helped do research that helps human species as a whole survive when an epedemic like bird flu or swine flu or something even worse breaks out.
Yea just like the nazis. but except they tried to control it by eliminating what they believed to be genetically inferior people like jews and gypsies ect...what they did makes perfect sense from an evolutionary standpoint (imo)
No it doesn't, because both
Nazis Gypsies and Jews have a lot of intelligent and smart people. There is no group of humans on earth which is inferior than any other group of humans as a whole.
but ghengis khan didn't endanger his built a huge empire all carrying his genes and passing them on to future generations until today.
Yea, and as a result Mangolia is still one of the most backward places in the world. They spent decades fighting while the rest of the world was progressing in science and developing other inventions that have helped them now dominate the world. Right now Mangolia means fuck all. If there's ever an epedimec they will be amongst the first people to die because of their poor technology, because they wasted decades in war.
I would for sure. (especially from an evolutionary standpoint)
If Joe has only 2 children and he is driving them to school and crashes they car and they all die. Thats the end of Joe's genes for all eternity. he is wiped out of time. A genetic failure.
But because you weren't stupid enough to go on a mass rape spree, your brothers, sisters, and other family will still go on to live, hence your closest genes will still live on. Whereas if you do some stupid shit which starts a massive war/riot in your city, and you and all your kids die, then even your family can be killed, even more genetic failure.
By the way, why do you care if your genes live on or not. If you die, what difference does it make to you? Evolution is NOT a philosophy that we should try to live on in our daily lives, its simply a scientific observation of how life goes on in the animal kingdom. We aren't animals, and we shouldn't try to be animals, or we will slide backwards and all the progress we have made will eventually be lost and we will end up as primates living in forests once again. That is BACKWARDS evolution.
interesting. but im saying humans are allowed to do any reproductive means they want. its all good.
No its not.