i think evolution may be a fact in terms that it is clear that species evolve via natural selection. however there are certainly many things that it has thus far failed to explain. i don't think any serious scientist would dispute this. in addition detailed molecular-level descriptions of how complex cellular pathways evolved have not been described in the level of detail required - in addition things like conciousness, morality etc. pose problems for the theory which have yet to be explained in any satisfactory detail. At present we are limited to very vague answers such as 'it happened over billions of years - can't you see how this would make it possible' and things like 'group survival'. Everyone knows the basics of evolutionary biology and the fact that it occured over billions of years etc. - but until we can explain things in detail at the molecular level, in my humble opinion, i don't think the theory should be considered 'complete'. The reason I say this is because, currently the thinking is that Evolution theory can COMPLETELY explain all that humans are - everything we are apparently was due to evolution. Therefore the theory shouldn't be considered complete until it can explain in detail how and why some of our most important traits/abilities evolved at the molecular level - the level at which the theory actually works.
Except, evolution cannot explain all those steps.
Even if we admitted that all those things could be explained in terms of evolution, it's unreasonable to ask for the step-by-step details of how it all happened.
And that is because of the very nature of evolution itself.
If you studied evolutionary computation, you would know that you cannot reconstruct any clear step-by-step "backtrace" between two stages of a solution.
You can only guess.
So, you are asking for something that is logically equivalent to figuring out a way to replay the history of the whole biosphere of planet Earth.
The best "way" to "prove" evolution is to successfully employ it to predict results that fall within its realm of application.