oh, don't mind me, i'm just an unsophisticated couch-potato who's never really curious about anything, except, perhaps, for what might be on the next channel.
lol ok sorry. I'm really bad at words. I honestly did not mean it that way. What I meant was I was curious to know why non-muslims don't believe in Islam. I am now wondering why you still remain a Muslim despite the hearing the same arguments that have convinced me. That's really what it was. It sometimes irritates me when I feel like you know something that I don't
He did NOT ENFORCE mischief upon us. He gave us the ability to choose to avoid mischief, that's all. It was a gift, really, but one that comes with enormous responsibilities.
Would you buy any pills that would turn you into a robot who can never make his own choices? Even if such pills would mean you'd always make the right choice and achieve great success? I personally wouldn't. Did you watch the movie
Equilibrium, btw?
I wouldn't say "enforce" either. That wouldn't be an accurate description. If he gave us the the ability to choose to avoid mischief, that is still not all. Think about our biological structure and how our hormones and hardwiring in our brains play a significant role in the likelihood of our behaviour, as opposed to other primates, and other animals. We are more inclined to resorting to violence than bonobos but less than chimps, for example. Certainly we are not created with completely neutral minds. Even the angels asked "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You? Allah said, Indeed, I know that which you do not know."
It's like God is telling us "I'm gonna give you twisted minds, and if you manage to not act on your impulses, I will reward you" and although some of us succeed in doing so, it is still a despicable idea to begin with.
Oh i was just referring to the event of taking your first breath of life only to find yourself as an adult, dragged by two mighty angels to Hell. You would naturally ask as to what's going on, and they'd tell you: "Have you lived a life you never lived, you would have done such and such, etc"... that would be a bit too weird, don't you think? That's why the test is for us (to know what we've done).
You're talking about it like they're the only two choices God has. I don't agree with either.
Also: Gonna see the movie