@ DD
Before we continue could you please concede that verse 3:64 does not apply to atheists?
No, it doesn't but I already explained how I reached my conclusion.
In any case, the test is all about pride.
I'm not trying to speculate on their case either... I'm just saying can we agree that just because people don't understand a message clearly that doesn't mean they didn't receive a clear message?
I agree. But I was saying that ultimately what we're held accountable for is when the message becomes clear (convincing) to us and we reject it out of pride.
So we agree that at this point Satan knows hell is his destination?
Yes, but before he said "no I won't bow down to Adam because I'm better", the poor thing expected he'd get away with it (he must have thought God would let it go or something like that).
I'm really curious as to who you consider to disbelieve out of pride/arrogance (among mankind)
What do you think the situation of Abu Talib is?
The Pharoah, for example. In fact, one of the pride verses I listed above is about the Pharoah's pride-based disbelief... the Quran says that they, the Egyptians, while truly believing in the great signs of Moses (blood, etc) they still rejected/dismissed these signs.
How about you read that long thread I referred you to?