Hi everyone
I've been lurking on this forum for a while now, so thought I should introduce myself. I'm a married mum of 2 girls, I'm Scottish (but live in England these days). Yes I'm a Christian, but a slightly different one I think lol. I don't hold the Bible as the be all and end all, I think it's more of a guide book than a rule book. A collection of stories to try and install morals etc into civilization. The NT is more of a rule section, but as it's main message is peace and love, I have no probs with that
I am however, fanatical (is that a good word to use on here
) about learning about other religions. I find it fascinating what some people will believe in (and that includes the various branches of Christianity!), but also I believe the better understanding we have of each others faiths (or non faiths) then the better off the world will be. So that's me, and look forward to hearing from you guys
Another theist XD
Hi and welcome!
I'm a Muslim btw. Hope you can learn more here from everyone.