Speciation has been observed, Dogs are the best example.
The best example of what now? Dogs are one species. A 'breed' is not a separate species. All the dog breeds are capable of mating with one another and producing fertile offspring. Your claim that "speciation has been observed" is not a scientific fact, but a demonstration of a true believer bearing witness based on his blind faith.
Speciation without human interference. It happened with flowers in Washington, called goatsbeard. It happening with Rhagoletis pomonella which started 150 years ago.
lol Sure.
Forbidden Archeology is not peer-reviewed nor did the writers submit any of the research. Beside the authors are not even archaeologist. One is a mathematician and the other is a nobody writer. Thus the books is not evidence of anything but wishful thinking and confirmation bias.
The book is no less than a compilation of numerous scientific anomalies found in nature that do not fit the evolutionary theory model. The authors did not create them, as seems to be your odd belief, but only compiled into a single published source items that were already observed and documented by scientists in the field, only to be put away with disturbed confusion by those same scientists.
The point about DNA has no merit since you are fitting a vast amount of science into a tiny verse. Post hoc rationalization only works for the believer and one lacking an education in biology.
1.) God said it was He who taught mankind that which he knew not.
2.) Researchers from respected institutions (Boston University and Harvard Medical School no less) have found evidence for there being an actual language structure within our basic building block cells. Your inability to think outside of your narrow-minded atheist box prevents you from seeing the significance of these two points.