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 Topic: TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran

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  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #120 - January 17, 2015, 12:23 PM

    so you think that it is a bad thing for a worldview to be "in danger" of falsification by evidence?

    I think it is a bad thing to reject the truth of your Maker in search for something else to replace it with.  The effort will lead only towards doom; the seeker will discover that the substitution will consist of no less than the fires of hell.  

    There you go., dr_sloth got right answer  either it  is allah or   it is doom.. hell.. hell fire., No questions should be asked.. no inquiries  should be made on the assertion of the books that were written some 1000s of years ago by cave dwellers..

    Book says So I believe in hell fire  ..well for all practical purposes  allah could be   this one

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #121 - January 17, 2015, 12:31 PM

    I think you'll find that the experiment would have more chance of success if you tried it with a male Chihuahua  and a female wolf.
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #122 - January 17, 2015, 12:35 PM

    There's no such thing as evolution. That's why we come out of our mother's vagina an exact replica of her.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #123 - January 17, 2015, 06:26 PM

    There you go., dr_sloth got right answer  either it  is allah or   it is doom.. hell.. hell fire.,

    Yes.  You will either win or lose in life, and surely those who win are those who chose Allah, Lord of all the worlds.  Glory be to He!

    No questions should be asked.. no inquiries  should be made on the assertion of the books that were written some 1000s of years ago by cave dwellers..

    This is a strawman.  Who said you were not to inquire?  Did not the Muslim scientists during the Islamic Golden Age inquire?  Have I myself not demonstrated an interest in science and inquired into the workings of the creation?  Know you that this inquiry has led only to the Straight Way of my Lord, and Allah is the best of those to answer inquiry. 

    Book says So I believe in hell fire

    You should, or things will go badly for you.  Have a care.

    ..well for all practical purposes  allah could be

    I notice that you have a disdain for attempting to make sense. 

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #124 - January 17, 2015, 07:50 PM

    good..good Glad to hear you Momin Rasheed ., Muhammad  Rasheed
    Yes.  You will either win or lose in life, and surely those who win are those who chose Allah, Lord of all the worlds.  Glory be to He!

    really??   .. Is it in this life or after this life?.. Hooo ha..ha.. Zadu..

    Yes.. yes fear mongering is the name of the game in brainless religious bums Rasheed., We are not children Rasheed., we got to get over this santa clauses  and voodoo dolls

    This is a strawman.  Who said you were not to inquire?  

    who said?  you.. you said it Rasheed  you just said right in the first statement .. read your words again..

    Did not the Muslim scientists during the Islamic Golden Age inquire?  

    Muslim scientists?? No no.. there is NO Muslims scientists, No Christian scientists Jewish scientists., Pagan scientists.. Science is nothing to do with stupid 1000 year old  religious rubbish you see in so-called scriptures

    Have I myself not demonstrated an interest in science and inquired into the workings of the creation?

     what is the big deal about you demonstrating  an interest in science? every one does that .. High school kids do that high school drop outs do that Rasheed

     Know you that this inquiry has led only to the Straight Way of my Lord, and Allah is the best of those to answer inquiry.  

     sure..sure  I heard that umpteen times from umpteen religions bums  Rasheed.,  So why is allah is the best ? is there any other one apart from allah?

    You should, or things will go badly for you.  Have a care.

    Really badly.. badly for me??  why? what did I do??  But  I care.. I care about lots of stuff.. lots of people including you

    I notice that you have a disdain for attempting to make sense.  

    Yes I do I do have  disdain, I disdain    religious bums ..silly religious books , and RASCALS that use religions to meet their needs, t Indeed I disdain and have no respect to these rascals  Rasheed

    Happy new year and my good wishes to you

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #125 - January 17, 2015, 08:15 PM

    Always interesting reading your posts yeezevee Cheesy
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #126 - January 17, 2015, 08:17 PM

    lol I don't even know how to respond to it.   wacko

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #127 - January 17, 2015, 08:24 PM

    Anyone who denies that evolution a) did not occur and b) that it does not contradict the traidtional creation narrative of the Koran is an idiot. Yes, I'm being offensive because I find it offensive that a grown man with access to the internet could make such stupid arguments against evolution when people far more knowledgeable and skilled than him would rip him to shreds as far as evidence and rational argumentation is concerned.

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #128 - January 17, 2015, 08:33 PM

    Anyone who denies that evolution a) did not occur and b) that it does not contradict the traidtional creation narrative of the Koran is an idiot...........

    No..No Jedi.. there are questions about Macro evolution.. lot of work need to be done  and I understand there are millions or even 1000s of millions of folks on the planet that don't understand biological evolutionary processed   and the mechanisms behind the human evolution.

    But I have to agree with you that   Anyone who denies that evolution has never been to schools and may living in some isolated jungles or an Idiot...

    Anyways questions like,  How can one species "turn into" another? or  How  evolution produce extremely  organs like the eye or the human brain.?.   we can frame plenty of such questions and answer them., May be we should do that in a different thread..

    with best wishes

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #129 - January 17, 2015, 08:34 PM

    Anyone who denies that evolution a) did not occur and b) that it does not contradict the traidtional creation narrative of the Koran is an idiot.

    Excuse me... "Jedi" is it?  I'm actually in the middle of a discussion with a real life molecular biology scientist, so your true believer-blind faith assertions -- that don't even possess the weight of what lua brings to the table -- are beyond worthless to me.  You obviously lack the ability to discern between who is an idiot and who isn't. 

    Get your Force game up, please, then come back.  Thanks.

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #130 - January 17, 2015, 08:37 PM

    ...and I understand there are millions or even 1000s of millions of folks on the planet that don't understand biological evolutionary processed   and the mechanisms behind the human evolution.

    It turns out to be impossible to understand considering it doesn't exist.   Roll Eyes

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #131 - January 17, 2015, 08:41 PM

    Anyone who denies that evolution has never been to schools and may living in some isolated jungles or an Idiot...

    Anyone that believes evolution is real doesn't know how to think for themselves, and is perfectly okay to swallow someone else's thoughts that are spoonfed to them without inquiring into whether it is true or not.

    In other words, any one that believes evolution is real is indoctrinated into believing it, and has the mind of a sheep.

    Take a bow.

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #132 - January 17, 2015, 08:42 PM

    lol I don't even know how to respond to it.   wacko

     Cheesy  Oh common Rasheed ., I  am not  that bad that you don't understand a word of what I say?

    Let me help you how to respond to rascals like yeezevee... Simple.. Throw some relevant Quran verses ., if you need help read Quran  at these links

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #133 - January 17, 2015, 08:45 PM

    awww... how adorable.  An atheist (that apparently barely speaks English) actually wants to "help" me with my thoughts. 

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #134 - January 17, 2015, 08:46 PM

    ............., and has the mind of a sheep.

    Take a bow.

    i do.. i do bow to every body .. every life including SHEEP Rasheed... But let us frame some questions about evolution  and answer them in this thread.. Let us  educate ourselves and others..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #135 - January 17, 2015, 08:47 PM

    Am I realistically supposed to respect the advice of someone that rejects the Supreme Creator? 

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #136 - January 17, 2015, 08:48 PM

    awww... how adorable.  An atheist (that apparently barely speaks English) actually wants to "help" me with my thoughts.  

    well .,  you could help me with my English and i will help you with your thoughts Rasheed....

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #137 - January 17, 2015, 08:48 PM

    Am I realistically supposed to respect the advice of someone that rejects the Supreme Creator?

    Yes..Yes.. You must  Cheesy

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #138 - January 17, 2015, 08:48 PM

    i do.. i do bow to every body .. every life including SHEEP Rasheed...

    What enthusiasm do they run towards the fire!  My!

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #139 - January 17, 2015, 08:49 PM

    well .,  you could help me with my English and i will help you with your thoughts Rasheed....

    I'm straight.  lol

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #140 - January 17, 2015, 08:53 PM

    But let us frame some questions about evolution  and answer them in this thread.. Let us  educate ourselves and others..

    Get to it then.  Come on, I'm double-parked.  [looks @ watch]

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #141 - January 17, 2015, 08:53 PM

    What enthusiasm do they run towards the fire!  My!

    well stupid people do that suicide bombings and STUPID SHEEP jump to death .. it could happen

    here  you go  450 sheep jump to their deaths in Turkey

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #142 - January 17, 2015, 08:57 PM

    I agree that suicide is ALWAYS stupid.  The reward for it is only hell.

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #143 - January 17, 2015, 09:06 PM

    I agree that suicide is ALWAYS stupid.  The reward for it is only hell.

    well not according to these   mullahs

    plenty out there...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #144 - January 17, 2015, 09:10 PM

    "These mullahs" mean NOTHING to me, yeezevee.  (see "think for yourself" comment above)

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #145 - January 17, 2015, 09:17 PM

    ................. (see "think for yourself" comment above)

    didn't get that..    what does that mean...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #146 - January 17, 2015, 09:24 PM

    1.)   Speciation proceeds in both the presence and absence of geographic barriers, while evolutionary theory says that just such barriers are needed for it to function.
         i)   SME: “While that model fits for many parts of the natural world, it doesn’t explain why some species appear to have evolved separately, within the same location, where there are no geographic barriers to gene flow.” ~Vicki Friesen, professor of biology (Science daily article, 20 Nov 2007) Doctor Friesen’s own research indicated that the band-rumped storm petrel shares its nesting sites in sequence with other petrels, with this conflicting with the standard view of evolutionary theory.

    Also never said that.

    2.)   The concept that species slowly evolve into different species, leaving behind a fossil record of numerous, partially transformed species growing more and more complex or specialized, is a fiction promoted as a blind faith doctrine unsupported by any facts. Experimentations on millions of fruit flies, as well as over 6,000 years of barnyard artificial selections have never left any trace of any of these organisms ever transforming into a new species. Ever.
        i)   SME: "In sample sizes of more than one thousand individuals, there was no correlation between specific biological traits and either reproductive success or survival. “Important issues about selection remain unresolved.” ~Joel Kingsolver, The Strength of Phenotypic Selection in Natural Populations (2001)

    See above

     ii)   SME: “Major transitions in biological evolution show the same pattern of sudden emergence of diverse forms at a new level of complexity. The relationships between major groups within an emergent new class of biological entities are hard to decipher and do not seem to fit the tree pattern that, following Darwin’s original proposal, remains the dominant description of biological evolution. The cases in point include the origin of complex RNA molecules and protein folds’ major groups of viruses; archaea and bacteria, and and the principal lineages within each of these prokaryotic domains; eukaryotic supergroups; and animal phyla. In each of these pivotal nexuses in life’s history, the principal ‘types’ seem to appear rapidly and fully equipped with the signature features of the respective new level of biological organization. No intermediate ‘grades’ or intermediate forms between different types are detectable.” ~Eugene Koonin, The Biological Big Bang Model for the Major Transitions in Evolution (2007)

    Still support evolution.

    iii)   SME: “The general foundations for the evolution of ‘higher’ from ‘lower’ organisms seems so far to have largely eluded analysis.” Emile Zuckerkandl, Neutral and nonneutral mutations: the creative mix--evolution of complexity in gene interaction systems (1997)

    Emile still support evolution. Take a look at his work, his books and the journal he created.  I can't find a copy of his book. However all you did was copy the last line of an abstract nothing more. Such a quote becomes useless considering the man's views.

    3.)   The molecular level mutations that appear in biological organisms do so as a matter of 100% pure chance, and do not happen automatically as a kind of ‘speciation factory’ requiring the concept of natural selection to guide the process along.  
        i) SME: “The great majority of evolutionary changes at the molecular level, as revealed by comparative studies of protein and DNA sequences, are caused not by Darwinian selection but by random drift of selectively neutral or nearly neutral mutations.” ~Motoo Kimura, The Neutral Theory of Molecular Biology (1983)

    Still support evolution just not everything with natural selection.

    Yes the theory of evolution has gone beyond Darwin' ideas. None of your points prove evolution wrong. In fact it shows that parts of theory are being developed, additions made, ideas refined. None of your quotes are again evolution but for it. Just not in the simplistic form you understand. Thanks for the fine example of poor research and lack of reading comprehension.

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #147 - January 17, 2015, 09:28 PM

    didn't get that..    what does that mean...

    It means that, using the intellect that my Lord hath bestowed upon me, I will study the scriptures to show my own self approved.  I will follow the commands of Allah in the deen based on my own understanding and insight, and stand before God on the Last Day with the assurance of paradise.  I will have no need to fear, nor shall I grieve.

    I am not going to put my faith in "these mullahs" to lead me down the hellbound path that you are on.  I am not an idiot.

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #148 - January 17, 2015, 09:28 PM

    First, place a female chihuahua who is both in heat and 'presenting' in front of a male wolf.  Second, chemically, genetically, see if they can actually produce fertile young.  Outside of actual test results I am uninterested in your true believer rhetoric.

    The female would die during birth of the hybrid due to the size of the chihuahua. Find the test. Show the test. Do not allude to a hypothetical test not done as support. That is called Bsing

  • TheRationalizer Vs MRasheed - Facts of evolution Vs Facts of the Quran
     Reply #149 - January 17, 2015, 09:30 PM

    Yes the theory of evolution has gone beyond Darwin' ideas. None of your points prove evolution wrong. In fact it shows that parts of theory are being developed, additions made, ideas refined. None of your quotes are again evolution but for it. Just not in the simplistic form you understand. Thanks for the fine example of poor research and lack of reading comprehension.

    Show me the definitive proof that "microevolution" leads to the development of new species from parent species and you win.


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