Its k, zecatso

(your new nickname

Try living in one of the most racist areas in the north of the country for 15 years in your youth.
and being short and ugly?
You are clearly the perfect female size and if had I seen you in school, you can be sure I would have pounced on you in a second

(Well not pounced; Timidly smiled and edged my way towards you to say hi, more likely )
Aww. Look at you trying to cheer me up

.. so cute, and thanks, but clearly the snobbish boys I grew up with in West London, don't like short girls...

As a male, my perspective on females is that:
I expect females to be smaller and I find the smaller ones to be cute and lovable.
Because of my height, I find taller females slightly more appealing from a romantic perspective, but the difference is nearly non-existent.
Conclusion: Seeing Zaiba and Berbs (for example) in one day would be one hell of a highlight to my afternoon

LOL ..