In two months I guess.hope you are not going to fast for your madam this time?
Having a few problems on that front mate. But if she lets me back into the house by then, yes of course I'd fast for her. Hell, to have her and my son back properly, I'd walk to the ends of the earth, naked, whilst fasting, and carrying a small dwarf on my back, who I'd happily allow to whip me, whilst the little fella repeatedly sings a rendition of all the Busted hits into my ear, badly (like there is a good way to sing that shit)... But alas, I cannot escape Ramadan either way, because I am living with my parents for now, and they are even more crazily religious than my wife is :(
@thread: I've always hated Mancini. I love hating him. So, I hate the fact that I now actually feel sorry for him. Why does my mind work in such a ridiculous way? I wanted him to suffer, but now that he actually is, I feel for the dodgy slimeball. I went through the same thing with Morinho, Thatcher, Gaddaffi & even Nasty Nick. Why can't I even hate properly, like others do?