We don't need love and hope. All we need is hate.
Anway, I hate..
-when you feel like shit for no reason at all
-when you get cringe worthy flashbacks
-when people say eminem is just a wigger/is trying to be black
-when I wake up and I don't know if it's morning/night
-awkward awkwardness because it's awkwardly awkward
-when someone farts in a crowded place
-stalkers.. I mean REAL stalkers
-redbull.. tastes like fucking medicine and doesn't give me wings
-when events are sold out
-regretting shit
-forgetting shit
-when old people try to be all brave and turn you down when you offer help and then when they realise they can't do shit, they ask for your help -.-
-when birds shit on you
-when people stand in the middle of escalators in tube station... motherfucker either stand on the right or walk up the fucking escalator on the left -.-
-when I read the Qur'an and realise evolution is a lie
-when I'm sleeping and Jigglypuff draws on me
-when you come to school in the uniform on a mufti day
-when someone steals your idea(s)