Well, I guess we were both rediscovering our past in the last couple of months, although I never was into streetpunk. I'm a bourgie like that.

When I was your age, my head was shaved, my jeans tucked into my combat boots (apparently the US Army lets you keep them even if they kick you out

), T-shirt with the sleeves ripped off, drunkenly walking through the worst streets I could find with a 6 inch blade in my back pocket, looking for a fight.
Did the guy say something about "the master race"?

You never seen Romper Stomper? Made Russell Crowe a star.
That's a fake-ass house band led by the director's friend mimicking WN Oi punk. Most of the songs they did sucked, but that one was pretty good and the best known from the film (the scene where it's playing is pretty badass too)-- it's been covered by non-WN streetpunk bands too.