May aswell start off with the same as PS.
People who walk slowly.
People who chew loudly and drink at the exact same time, so that I can hear slurping, and chomping all at once.

Arrogant people.
People who spit, especially the full greeny hacking spit, nigga purrrrrlease get that shit away from me.
My inability to say whats on my mind.
Cleaning the house. Why is it my job? because I'm the woman I do the lions share? oh yeah, thats fucking fair. I hate chores, hate em so much.
One bitch at college, come September she better watch her back lol.
My ex.
Smelly farts. I mean it's so smelly you can actually taste it. Seriously, leave the room when you are about to drop one, have some respect.
Intellectual elitist snobs.
Anyone try to suck my toe. Leave the foot alone, it's a god damn foot FFS.
(I will think of more, I know I have more lol)