I hate:
1. Periods (the blood is irritating and ii can't masturbate
2. Guys who are full of it.
3. Guys who think they can get any girl they want.
4. Guys that treat girls wrong.
5. Guys that are dickheads.
6. Guys.
7. Chauvinistic pigs.
8. Bratty kids.
9. Rebels without a cause.
10. Girls who complain too much.
11. Drama queens.
12. Being told to cook and clean.
13. Being told "no" without a good reason, or any reason at all.
14. Whiners
15. People who complain but don't do anything
I think thats about it for now.
I can get any girl I want trust me. And that is not bragging or anything if a chick is single, I can get her, in fact I can even get a chick who is taken if I am into her.