Thanks Iblis for posting this. In fact it has inspired me to think about buying a guitar and practising this music style.
So I have spent the last few hours looking into the type of guitar I should buy.
I am thinking about getting a used Tapa Maciza Admira, the guitar is made in Spain and apparently has a beautiful sound and is an ideal classical/acoustic guitar - it has a Rosewood back & sides, Rosewood fingerboard, gold finished tuning pegs with pearl buttons - looks really nice.
Any advice from the guitar players here?
Islame, the best thing to do is to buy a second hand cheap, but good quality guitar. I recommend you take a friend who plays guitar to the music instrument shop in your area to help you buy it. There are cheap guitars in the market that are more toys than instruments. They don't sound nice and the frets (the areas between the metal dividers on the neck) are not correctly placed. A badly or wrongly sounding guitar will discourage you from playing.
also the other question I have is are nylon strings the best strings for this kinds of music?
Yes, for flamenco, nothing will sound better than nylon strings.